Plants tall and wide


Active Member
Well yeah, if it is done right. It wont necessarily make them tall though because every time you fim the plant has to heal itself. I usually can get plants that are like 5' wide and about 5' tall outdoor when i put them out and start fimming by the end of may. they veg rite up until mid august. remember if you are doing this stop fimming 2 weeks before flowering starts.


Well-Known Member
It's never too late to top or prune your may j's during veg growth.I would not advise doing it when they are in flowering stage of life.


Active Member
my plants are starting to look sicc!! Brown spots on one yellow on another and a few are accumulating this white stuff on the stem!!1 Dont know what it is but i wiped that shit off!!


Active Member
hmmm. i dunno dude. they still look like they have plenty of time to fill out with branches ....but i agree too that you could top just one and see how it goes.


Active Member
lol Deer cum!! I wish it was that simple!! My fuccin plants look like they are in the hands of lucifer and are going to hell!! huh!! that would make me lucifer huh? Naw im the angel and i m determined to save them!! Deer cum is still trying to over take them!!! brown spots and yellows too. I just plucked some dead leaves off today. ima just go with the flow for now


Active Member
Whats the longest you have a seen a plant go through it s vegetation stage!! or whats the longest do they usually go?
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Active Member
I also cut off some of the leaves that were yellow and brown !! Was that a smart move? yes or no? Will they be replace with a new growth? Well keepin it movin i hope to recieve some answers from you guys


Active Member
thanks for that info smokertoker!!! Checc this !! I finally found out what the white deer cum stuff is on the stem on my plants!! Its not a fungus!! Its some small white flying or jumping bug that makes webs on the fuccing stem!! I wiped that shit off angrily because those lil fuccers be busy doing that shit!! White fly cum to be exact!! So im still in the game except for the damn nute burns.


Well-Known Member
drammatically.... depends how bad and how long it happened. and what your definition of dramatic is.

I'd becareful with whatever is making those webs. You may not have nute burn, you may have a bad case of spider mites. Start checking the under side of your leaves. Get some insecticide!


Well-Known Member
my plant suffered from a nute burn, just flush it out with plenty of water and dont feed it anymore! now its fine.....