Plant's tips are turning yellow in DWC! WHAT COULD IT BE?? Please Help. :-(

My plant is 11 days old. I germinated and started a Green House Ladyburn 1974 seed in a peat pellet. Transplanted it to a bubbler system after a week. It looked healthy going in and now the tip of the leaves are turning yellow, almost brown. The actual leaves are a bit hard as well. It's in plain water with 2 100watt cfls a couple inches above. Today I've dropped the temp from 85 to 75 and the put the water level a 1/2 inch above the bottom of the pot. What could it be?? Don't want her to die.


Well-Known Member
You use any nutrients at all? Cause Nutrients shouldn't be used for at least two-three weeks, either that or it sounds way to hot in there. My kosher started to turn yellow leaves turned brown from heat of light and will kill off leave eventually
. But hard to say do you have picture?
No I don't have any nutrients. I was wondering if it was the temp because the rockwool is very dry. I'll post pics soon as I figure out how to.


Well-Known Member
try and check if your roots are getting water. while still a seedling you may still have to water it a bit till the roots hit the water. did the seedlings roots pop out of the rockwool when you put it in? if not and your rockwool is dry then it needs some water. hand water it till in forms enough roots to reach the res.
The roots weren't getting water. I just raised the water level hoping that solves the problem. I'm lost to what could be happening to the leaves.