Plants turning lime green YIKES !!!!!!! HELP

Hey guys, I cant believ this. Have always used the same feeding routine with my plants with optimum results. Im a pretty expierienced grower however i have come to a stumbling stone. My feeding schedule is as follows: Bat guano every other feeding and a dose of super thrive during first couple wks into veg. Fox farm blooming nutes during flowering and some mollasses ofcourse. I baught a strain of a buddy of mine that i had smoked a few months ago and boy was it unbelievable its called MOB has anyone ever heard of it? Anyhow it has been getting lighter green in the past 2 wks .I gave them bat guano 10-2-1 a couple days ago but it is still getting lighter like lime green. Think i should give them guano again as it looks like a nitrogen deficiency.Maybe its the strain but i have another one of the same strain in flowering and it didnt turn lime green .Let me know what ya think my fellow gardeners. THANKS


i have the same problem most are a nice deep green but 2 are turning pale green almost yellowish, hope someone knows whats up, i need a fix too