Plants went down after i changed the lights I have pictures pls help


Active Member

I have a panic atack. i changed the light because the plants ware too close to the top of the grow room.after 1 day the leaves went down and after 2 more days i putted the lights again in the same position that ware before the plants went sick... can i repair my mistake, will it cost the life of my plants?i hope not cause they are in 2 weeks flowering. Can you please help me?



Well-Known Member
GET RID OF THE ALUMINUM FOIL!!!!!!!!!!!! It creates heat spots and will burn your plants. Your better off painting your walls white, that at least will reflect the light back to your plants, and not the heat.


Active Member
i wet them 2 or 3 times a day in rest had no problem with them after changing back the lights goes better now, and i will try to watered them less when they are in need. I will take out the aluminium foil.Thanks for the advices guys.lets hope that they will get better.i will write more :)


Well-Known Member
If your "wetting" them means your foiler feeding...then i suggest that you do it when the lights are about to be turned off...misting them with the lights on can destroy your babies, as well as blow up your lights. Generally you shouldn't have to mist them at all if you keep up the proper conditions.

Only water your plants when they feel light in weight, about every 3-5 days depending on pot size and how much there drinking. If your ever in doubt buy a moisture meter for like $6-$7, it will elimanate your fear of over or underwatering.


Active Member
yup i have a moisture/ph metter but i have used it only 2-3 times when i've tryed now with the moisture metter it was showing wet wet wet i will not wet them for a long time til they need it. Thanks and lets hope the best :)

Well-Known Member
too much water, they whent threw shock and they are vaulernable during the flowering stage and they probobly likey that much light

A M Spliff

Active Member
Give em 2ml of "SuperThrive" in a gal.of h2, in your next watering. ONLY water plants when they need it. Pick up the container after you water it and feel the weight... then in a day or 2 (depending on the temp of your growroom) pick up the contatner and feel the difference in weight. If it is about half the weight of a freashly watered container, then you need to water again.

FYI :Overwatering & over Fert, is the cause of most grow probs.

Hope this helps