Plants weren't watered.. Pics of damage - Advice please..

Right so I've been away for a week. Had arranged with someone to water my plants for me whilst I was gone.

Got back the other day, Went in to check on them & was hoping to see a nice weeks worth of growth etc.

Firstly I noticed the light was NOT on.. During the light cycle.

Fixed that, the timer (which is plugged in behind the sofa) had crap on it & now doesn't work.

Then noticed that they were bone dry & dying.

Basically the person never watered them, so for 8 days they had no water. & I think for the last 2 days had no light.

Heres some pics of the obvious damage to the leaves etc on a couple of the plants.
Also when watering I notice now on a couple pots the water comes out the bottom literally within a few seconds of watering.. soil ruined?

Should I take these dead leaves off? or just leave them? I had just put them onto a 12/12 cycle, how will this affect their growth etc?



Well-Known Member
Soil isn't ruined. I'd do this:

- Get some Coco-Wet or other wetting agent.
- mix some up per the directions and pour about a pint or two SLOWLY over each pot of dry soil.
- Wait about 30 mins for it to soak in.
- Return to garden and SLOWLY add water to each pot. If the water is pouring right through, go slower or wait longer.

Should fix you right up as far as moisture is concerned. The light issue is another story.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. The soil is just so dry, it's like when you first wet a Chamois to dry the car after washing.
There's still green, so I think you'll be ok, but get them drinking before you think about giving them any nutes or anything.


Active Member
OMG! Did you kill the babysitter? I'd cremate them and use their ashes for fertilizer in my next grow if I were you. Lol hopefully everything works out.. GL.

I was so angry! This is my first grow, & I'd put quite a bit of effort into building a nice grow area for them & they were really coming along nicely.
Will see I suppose but yeah they will live, Just don't know how much the damage is going to affect flowering time/yield. I suppose can only wait & see..

They do however need to stop growing taller lol, not too much space left n altering the roof will only give me an extra foot..
Thanks for replies. I'm going to make a grow thread thing when they are done, with all the pictures & problems etc, Keep an eye out for it :)