Plastic Box Growing Plans


Well-Known Member
In such a small set up, a passive intake would have been better but too late now, that hole is too big for a passive to be very effective, just remember to have your intake at a much lower speed than your exhaust and put a filter on the intake so you aren't letting in any light or debris.
In such a small set up, a passive intake would have been better but too late now, that hole is too big for a passive to be very effective, just remember to have your intake at a much lower speed than your exhaust and put a filter on the intake so you aren't letting in any light or debris.
Quick question, should I place my exhaust at the top of the box, or the bottom? And vise versa for the intake as-well, top or bottom?


Well-Known Member
Heat rises so you always want the exhaust at the top and intake at the bottom, preferably on opposite sides.


If you're gonna get another tub to use as the bottom half of your Cab it's fine, but if it's always going to be at the bottom just reverse the polarity. To quote a now annoying carnivore, "Simples". If you don't live in the UK you just do NOT want to know ;0)
Just don't cross the streams!!!
So I decided to just say fuck it and started off with an all new box after I started making cuts in the other one. I have two fans in it at the moment (I'll work on better wiring later), intake is running at 4watts, exhaust at 6watts. The intake is also smaller than the exhaust, so yea... I'll get a filter and whatnot made for the intake later on, but here's pictures for the time being:

It's the EXACT same box, just a different color.


Well-Known Member
I used a cheap soldering iron to cut out the holes in my box
I've done that before, it can get pretty messy though.

Lookin good zippy, should be adequate for a first grow. With every grow you do you become more experienced and savvy on how to design a box.
In such a small set up, a passive intake would have been better but too late now, that hole is too big for a passive to be very effective, just remember to have your intake at a much lower speed than your exhaust and put a filter on the intake so you aren't letting in any light or debris.
Just purchased a couple more small PC fans. One has a filter on it and has the exact measurements as my current intake fan so it shouldn't be too much of a hassle to switch them out. I also got a plain one to help circulate the air inside the case itself, so that should be a plus.
Dude you were good on fans, quit over thinking lol
I only ordered two more. I'm probably going to entirely ditch the current in-take fan and replace it with the one I ordered that has a filter on it. Then use the extra one to circulate air inside the box.
I'm probably going to end up painting the inside or something.. Right now I have a magical glowing box.

Would the mylar when I put it in help with this issue? Or should I just go ahead and paint the inside then proceed with the mylar afterwards? Also, ignore all the cords to the left, those were for a fan I was testing out for the hell of it (which I won't be using btw.). The wiring is pretty clean now other than that though.


Well-Known Member
Paint the inside flat white, put some mylar up inside, paint the outside of your box black with poly plastic. Zero light leakage.


Well-Known Member
yeah the mylar is relatively transparent as far as shine through is concerned, it will cut it but won't solve it completely, if you want stealth I wouldn't advise painting the outside black, but a couple of layers of paint on the inside would do good, check out that link again and see what kind of paint supra used.