I didn’t lie about anything… I corrected myself and was trying to stat that it’s right on par with the around 2.5 I pulled with HPS with the same strain and I expect it to do damn near the same… just as I stated in my journal.
So you think if someone accidentally miscommunicated something and corrects themselves immediately when they realize…their a lair? Yeah okay...
At this point I don’t really care what any of you naysayers think I grow great plants and they yield awesome results and I’ve been doing it for years…
I got on this thread because I was very impressed with how the PLED’s have out preformed my HPS setup SO FAR and it’s a month into flower.
Many of you have stated on this thread that it can’t be done or anywhere close to it because Pled sucks and is garbage for 100 reasons and they don’t flower for shit…
I have to call BS on that... there producing very well and continue to do so.
Looking at pics of the same strain in the same stage with the HPS VS Pled... the LEDs buds looks thicker and healthier… so why wouldn’t I expect to get damn near the same?
On a side note…. many of you really should be ashamed of yourselves.
This forum was made for growers to come together and discuss weed all around… Instead half the threads on this forum have people being as mean and hateful as possible… you do know you can get your points across without being total jackass's right?…
Lacing everything you say with profanity and insults just makes you look unintelligent, immature and greatly takes away from your point when being made that way.
"Oh yeah.. Pled pays me good LOL
You think I run one plant with those two panels...? That's funny.

Three plants around 1 pound each... with 2 255w pannels...
3 pounds = 48oz... 48oz = 1360g. And that's almost 2 1/2 grams per watt smart guy. "
So, the "smart guy" thing wasn't meant as an insult?
And keep digging that hole - You were clearly stating that you had pulled a certain amount off of two Pled panels. It's right there in the quote above. You even did the math based off of 500 watts, not 1000. And then you have the balls to tell others that they should be ashamed of themselves?
The point being made here is that dollar for dollar, you can purchase a MUCH better light than a Platinum. That's just a simple fact. I'm sorry you bought some outdated Chinese panels, but guess what? I did too! I own 3 Platinums. I didn't know much about LED tech a few years ago, and they seemed like a good option at the time. They grew decent weed, sure, but then I began researching and learning about real led lights and realized that Platinums weren't all that great after all.
Promoting Platinums on this forum is going to get you laughed. That's just how it is. Why, knowing what you now know, would you try to convince any newb to purchase one of these lights when there are far better options for the money? That just doesn't make sense