playing beethoven to my plants.

I've been playing Beethoven to my plants for a few hours each day, and I shit you not I've seen some pretty drastic changes in their growth, they're overall better than before I started playing this music, they're greener and stinkier than ever :] just though I would share this with everyone :weed:


[h=3]Talking helps plants grow.[/h] plausible
Seven small greenhouses were set up on the M5 Industries roof. Four were set up with stereos playing endlessly looping recordings (as having the Mythbusters actually talk to the plants could contaminate the samples with their expelled carbon dioxide): Two of negative speech, two of positive speech (Kari and Scottie each made one positive and one negative soundtrack), a fifth with classical music and a sixth with intense death metal music. A seventh greenhouse, used as a control sample, had no stereo. The greenhouses with the recordings of speech grew better than the control, regardless of whether such talk was kind or angry. The plants in the greenhouse with the recording of classical music grew better, while the plants in the greenhouse with the recording of intense death metal grew best of all.


Active Member
I have these CDs I play that are just noises from the woods like birds chirping, crickets, frogs, thunderstorms and stream water. I found a torrent file online that had ten hour discs. The plants are lovin it!