Please Activate the option so we can change profile names.


Well-Known Member
Many of us stoners are short on memory sadly and happen to make the error of using a common nickname for several profiles in different virtual communities. Thing is if you Google the nick name you end up with pictures of the forum member face, grow, friends, interest and feeling really stupid, exposed and scared. This defeats all the attempts to protect our privacy and identity, so people should be advised to use generic names related to cannabis grow culture so they can blend into the indexing of search engines. We're not growing Coffee here, but a plant that remains Illegal in most parts of the world. So please give us this one for now. Then when it's legal worldwide I'd be willing to link my account to Facebook.


Well-Known Member
yea it's stupid but given the magnitude of this thing, one should be given the chance to correct that mistake. It wont be that hard, do you agree?


Well-Known Member
Thankfully I'm clean besides my post on this forums and some WoW crap, had my other profile changed, but yea I'd like a more generic nickname as well. Nevertheless my post are all indexed by google even from 2009 which I DON'T LIKE as it keeps a timeline of what I've been doing. Nobody needs to know if I grow pot or tomatoes no matter if I'm legal or not, it's my choice to tell, and I have the right of privacy and keeping my identity secret specially in places like this, thus we use nicknames not our real names!

why am I getting negative feedback on a proposal to protect the forum members? why isn't nobody supporting this?


Well-Known Member
I've decided to stop sharing as many other members has chosen to do. I've got so much interesting tests going on but can't have Google document everything I do and when I say "I" is because I'm implying my nickname isn't providing good cover for my identity neither to other forum members in the same situation. Don't get me wrong this is a great community, just taking a personal stand towards protecting myself.

It'd be really nice if a Moderator at least say something about the changing nickname policy, since I've dedicated 3 years to this place it'd be nice to have 5 minutes of their time in return.


Well-Known Member
i second the motion. I thought about starting a poll to see if other people would like some sort of xtra security options. but alas, im a burnout and forgot. but changing a username would be great and almost an internet first. would be nice if other sites would let us do it also.