Please advise - plant height, pics posted


Well-Known Member
I am about five days into Veg. The middle plant was without water for a little too long and I think it impacted height. As you can see, I have about 4 inches difference between tallest and smallest colas. I am terrified to try to tie down/train the tall ones because I already broke one. So my question is whether 4in is too much difference. You can see how the lights are set on the first pic. I adjust height daily so if the 4" stays, that's about the max distance the smaller ones will be.

Color came out weird from my phone camera. They are nice and green and happy so please ignore that.

Would also appreciate any other advice. I am working on getting some light or reflective material below once I get a little more stretch. To that point, should I untie the LST to help that happen?

Thx and peace!



Active Member
4" inches of difference is fine shouldnt affect it substantially but one thing I recommend is to get in that bush and clean it up some to promote energy to where you want it most I can show you a example if you want. Also do you mean flower and how close do you keep you lights?


Well-Known Member
Yes. Into flower. Switched to 12-12 last Tues. I keep the lights extremely close to the tallest colas. Have had no burn issues. The first pic shows it.

By clean up, do you mean to prune? my concern is my tendency to overdo things. not sure how much or what to clip.


Well-Known Member
Dude it's all good, I recently had to have one of my close friend put me back in check on problems I was having.


Active Member
Dont worry man you'll be fine through this and so will she, but I tend to pluck half of the nodes off of a stem, like you see in the first pic, because what this does is divert the auxins/energy to where you want it the buds, because with them being so deep in the bush the light has a hard time getting to it, therefore it cannot store the energy it needs so it steals energy from the substantial buds also in the end these budlets will not be worthy of keeping so let your strong buds sites, get stronger buy putting everything the plant has into them.

Pic 1 (whilte good and clean, red arrow these are called suckers get rid of them)

Pic 2 (Look how healthy and how light gets to everything from the camera flash even with the lights off)


New Member
Super crop. Google it and troll RIU for some info!
but I'm banking on that being your solutions!
Everyones pretty much said everything else. Good luck lad :joint:


Well-Known Member
"If Im too rough, tell me. Im so scared your little head will come off in my hands."

My Alice Cooper moment sums it up on super crop for me at this stage in my grow comfort. I know my limitations. I may try to trim her up a bit. Any more opinions on that? I went through the defoliating sticky, as much of it as I could handle. And of course divergent opinions from many folks who seem knowledgable and certain. Not dissing you Chief, I totally appreciate the advice and pics!