Please Ban Me: Says the Propagandist Puppet.

I like this guy, He doesn't just post one trick poney insults, but actually does some research and brings in some information to the discussion. For that I :clap:

Now I can't speak for the other idiot's like Unclefucked, JustIn-case-I-swallow and everyone's favorite, the one trick poney Admin on here.
Tit for tat, huh?

Did I make you cry, little girl?
Yes, someone with an IQ lower then a box of rocks really hurt my feelings. I need papa Vlad to hold me. LMFAO :lol:
Oh my, excuse me. I must have forgotten how the violent right is known for their, how did tRump put it, unmatched wizdumb? Yes that wuz it.
Even the admin here is insulting. Let’s make a deal. You delete my threads permanently. I’ll never log in again once that’s completed. Thank you very much.
I read a nice thread about you over on THCfarmer. Sounds like you've been a toxic little bitch for years. Stop taking it up the arse and grow some balls.

I might be jumping the gun a bit, but this is usually the conversation before the conversation, so figured might as well respond.
Wasn't he the dude that made a sock puppet to act like a 'lib-tard' and left after he outed himself for being a right wing white power dude spouting how Putin should shoot the eagles or something?

It was a while back and I might be mistaking him for someone else, but pretty sure it was that account.
You are my people.

Thank you for your post. It is extremely insightful. I was out and about looking for context... exactly what I thought. Appreciate:clap:

Trolls and radical left or right side folks with no common sense: Yall aint running me and my free - thinking mind off either. Fuck all yall that think you can.
that russian bot can't hear you any more. he is dead. hit by a truck