Please can somebody help

my plants are 6 weeks into flipping 12/12 and I noticed WPM all over my fan leaves and now there on bud leaves too I've tried pmt but it didn't do anything and I think it's stunting my bud growth ☹ But because it's my first time growing I'm not 100 per cent sure


Well-Known Member
it is pretty good dude. first time grower and everything. i see you have a fan in the picture, make sure you have adequate intake and exhaust as well. mighty wash works very well as it is mostly ionized water. here are some home remedies. if your buds have PM you shouldnt smoke them, but can still make butter with it. PM is super hard to outright kill. after your grow you need to do a super cleaning with bleach and h2o2 on all walls, floor, equipment, everything.
Thank you so much for the reply growdict really happy with your answer and yes when these baby's are down I'm going to clean that room right up real good WPM is a bitch lol thanks for tips