Please check me OUT! Cab Design, Light, Seeds, GROW!


Well-Known Member
Picture time... enjoy.. I tried to get some white hair pictures but my camera sucks so bad I could not... sorry.

Let me know what you think of my make shift cab... I just put the emergency blanket in there I am diggin it... it is rockin two 23 watt 6500K and one 42 watt 2700K bulb... from your experience how long do you think I will have to wait till I can take a clone of this baby?? I cant wait to find out if its male or female... everyone cross your fingers and hope for a female!



Active Member
Good grow bro. It didn't surprise me that the 400w hps cooked your temps. I think a lot of mini cab growers underestimate the amount of heat they throw out. I know I did, I designed my cab with the twin intake aircooled hood to run a 400w hps, and even with the big inline fan hooked up to the filter the temps were through the roof, the 150w HPS is easily manageable, may even try for a 250 some day, take the middle ground.
Have you grown before and put plants into flower? Your plant looks happy n healthy as, flower when ready in that small space!


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow and I am really happy with it... I am going to grow my sage up and put it into flower in a week or so... can't wait so happy with the way its coming along. Picking up some tents one for veg one for flower. And get rid of this metal cab. I'm really happy with the plants though. The 4 autos are doing great and the sage is awesome too. Really impressed with myself Haha. I'm just hoping for a zip a plant for my first grow.


Well-Known Member
Got my Tents!!! soo stoked! not just need a portable AC for the room I want to use... ill post pics later!


Well-Known Member
alright guys here it is!!! I cant explain how happy I am with how good this is working! its been on for over 3 hours and has not jumped higher then 75... it feels so good! Here are some pictures... I will explain my set up a little bit... alright so got 5 plants in there right now... 4 autos and 1 photo... so the photo will just veg while the autos do their thing. so I have the filter that is connected to my light that goes into the 6" can fan that exhausts into my attic. I have a 400 watt HPS in there. the cooling is a little different... I have a Server rack mount cooling system... it blows crazy amounts of air... so I just used some ducting and duct tape and made an intake setup... and to be honest I think that it pushes more then the can fan can pull.. wow that was a tongue twister. anyways going to be keeping a close eye on them but so far I am very very pleased! as always please let me know what I am doing wrong or what you would recommend. Words of encouragement are always welcome too! :)
View into the walk in closet.
Here is my home made intake fan. looks ghetto but works so good!
Front view with the door open!
the way I have the exhaust going through the attic
The hottest it has gotten so far!! :)
The Girls!!
One More full frontal!



Well-Known Member
so now it is the middle of the day and so far temp has spiked at 80.2 degrees. not going to hear me complain about that! :)


Well-Known Member
getting the water put together for the week!! they are so happy in their new home! and I am so happy to have them there! I am trying to learn up on foliage spray and what is best to put in it... just cause I dont think it could hurt to hit them with that as well.. who knows... if you know about it. let me know! share the knowledge.



Well-Known Member
Got everything organized this morning... now all I need to do is some cable management on the power cables and what not. Started some Rockwool soaking today so that I can take some clones from the SAGE and put a clone into flower so I can find out if it is a lady or not... if not i will keep it and collect pollen from it so i can make my own seeds! :)


Well-Known Member
anyways for those who care took some clones from my sage plant so I can flower one to check the sex... we shall see how this goes...


Well-Known Member
thanks mattman! I will be posting some new pics of everything this week... my dwarf red hair will be in two weeks of flower this week so she is starting to get lots of white hairs and lots of little bud spots! totally excited!


Well-Known Member
I was starting to get a little worried this was my first time taking clones... and they were all really droopy the first day.... today is day two and they are looking great all perking up and looking to make some roots! cant wait to find out if the sage is a male or a female... :) might have to get another plant germinated if its a male... we shall see! :)


Well-Known Member
Yeh usually clones will look like shit at first b/c they are in shock! (WHERES MY FUCKING ROOOOOTS?????!!) kind of thing