Hey bro. Not trying 2 be a smart ass or anything, but 4 real, just because you "checked out 2" ladies leaves & you didn't see any signs of a "parasite" it doesn't mean there not present.
I had mites once upon a time, & my leaves
Looked just like your pictures. It started out with a whiteish flim substance on "bottom" leaves. Then spread upwards on the plant. I checked just a "few" leaves myself & didn't see anything. I had to really get in there, move leaves around & branches, & then started noticing "tiny black spots" a few here & there on the "underside" of the leaves! Those little bastards are the plague!!
I can't STAND THEM! And they will fuck all plant all up!! I ordered me some neem oil, used it every other day 4 about a week, & until my order arrived I
Mixed up some dish "about a tbl. Spoon" to a spray bottle of h2o & dosed all
Her leaves under and ontop of all her leaves, & did this in a seprate room, "bathroom" in the tub, as to try not & spread those little bastards!! It really seemed 2 help!! I also wiped down my entire grow room with bleach, then went through & lighty sprayed the neem oil on the walls & floor aswell, & then
Wiped it off, in hopes to kill of any on walls & floor area! It solved my problem.
Boy was I glad!! I 4 real hope that isn't your case!! But I'm telling ya, those leaves look just like my girls did, & mites where the issue.. well, I hope you get it fixed bro... later.