Please explain


Well-Known Member
a hermie is when a female plant produces male pollen sacks to produce seeds with each other you get a hermie thru dif types of stress


Well-Known Member
a hermie is a female plant that stresses or has bad genetics and early but sometimes anoyyingly(i kno thats not a word),,,late in flower ruining harvest,,,,basically a plant with both sex organs pistils seed pods/pollen sacks


Well-Known Member
One more question to this topic. All the bagweed I've seen in history some better then others have seeds. so that would be just a seeded pollinated female plant or a hermie plant? Still a little confussed about it....


Well-Known Member
yeah the whole purpose of a plant is to produce seeds not bud the bud is just the flower and we just hapin to b able to smoke it we want bud the plant wants to produce seeds so it will try its best to get pollinated and have seeds


Well-Known Member
Ok, another additional question. If bagweed has seeds and gets you high. Is it correct to say bagweed is less potent because the female is making seeds and buds? If we don't allow them to pollonate and produce seeds that plant would have higher quality, thc and high producer?


Active Member
from what ppl have told me, when she gets pollinated all of the energy goes into making seeds and not growing the bud. im not sure if that means lower thc or just smaller seeded buds.


Well-Known Member
yeah you can say that on one of my grows I didnt have any males at all but I still had a few seeds in my buds dont know where they came from but they where there so idk but yes you would have more thc and bigger buds