PLEASE GIVE ADVICE! 3 Weeks into beautiful flowing and DISASTER!!


So I had my babies going very very nicely, 2 1/2 weeks into flower and looking GREAT! I had an important business trip I had to make to the east coast, so I had my trusted buddy look after my plants for me, well he ran into some issues and was not able to make it too my house for a couple days more than usual, and I got the dreaded phone call from him :-(. He sent me some crappy cell phone pics.

Ok here is what I know what happened. I am running a homemade aeroflo style setup. (2) 1000w hps. When he last checked the setup, he topped off the rez. and adjusted the PPM to 1500 as should. Well since the 3 days passed, the water level got down VERY LOW, and the nutrient level was off the charts. I'm assuming they were being fed extreme amounts of nutes for about 2 days...

He told me the plants were wilting very badly, and many leaves fell off and were burnt, but worse of all, all my plants were collapsing. I FREAKED OUT! I had him instantly flush the rez. , and right now they are being fed straight water with about 200ppms. He tried tying up some stems and standing them up...oh god I hate even talking about it. Here are the crappy pics he sent me

My question is...will they recover? and if so how badly will it affect the final product??? Please any advice is needed, I feel so useless being so far away from my babies...oh the torture.


even though I can barely make out the pictures...they look awful. I had a luscious garden, all colas standup upright and strong. :( :( :(


Well-Known Member
yeah that sucks bad. i have no advise however, your doing what you should now...


Well-Known Member
they were taking up more water than nutes, that's why there was such a high ppm in so little water. flush them with straight water for a day or two and add nutes slowly. nice canopy sir


Thank you for the replies guys! I see there are like 45 views. Hey, even if you dont have any usefull info..were all a community here. Chime in


Well-Known Member
That makes me sad to see that man. Hopefully they will make a decent recovery. Unfortunately I have to admit your going to see in impact in yield, but I wouldn't call it catastrophic. Don't get discouraged or anything, just keep on growing and be happy. Just gotta pick up and move on!

Btw, nice bike.


Thank you. What about quality though? Thats my main concern...I grow for quality not quantity. And the bikes a K6 gsxr, and it looooooooooves to wheelie


Well-Known Member
I think by the time harvest comes around, quality will be just the same. I fucked up my first plant pretty bad but i still got high lol.

Wheelies... mmmm :)