Please Help! 2nd Week in Dwc Pots and Edges are Yellow and Burnt (Pics)

I am running a RDWC setup with drip. Temps in room are about 80 steady. Res temps are slightly below that(about 72-75 usually) They have been in these pots for two weeks now with no sign of roots coming from net pots into res. Also the tips of the leaves are burning (light is venting well enough that i can touch glass all day with no problem. also there is yellowing(two of my plants do not have this yellowing) all plants recieve water from the same central res. ph about 6.1. What is wrong? I use GH FloraNova one part GROW. Ppm at around 600 using tap water(water before nutes is 300 ppm)



Well-Known Member
When plants look "over watered" in DWC, it's because lack of Dissolved oxygen which means whether you need more bubbles or that you need to fix your room temps, which are already good. So... If you're having problems I bet i'd be because of PH/PPM issues or hydroton related. You definitely need your pH under 6.0 while doing hydroponics and there's no way around it.


Active Member
If around the veins is yellow then its prolly N deff or it culd b nute burn..... Hard 2 tell without close up pics
i will take close up pics for you tonight, but ph is around 6.3 and water temps are around 75 until i throw a cold ice bottle in there. ppm is about 600-700. also why are my roots not going down into the water through the net pots? they are not doing anything but the plants continue to grow??


Well-Known Member
Res temps are fine, what isn't is your pH and your Tap water (300 ppm).. I'll wait for the pictures but there're negative variables already present in the equation.


Well-Known Member
you want it at 5.5 the moment you put your solution in the res and to slowly rise to 6.0 until you have to top or replace with new solution. I don't advice the use of RO water myself as my filter was too expensive to maintain and I had to add more supplements, also my tap is perfect (150ppm @ 6.4-7) but for you it'd be better than using that hard water that's yelling for Salt buildup problems.

Robert Paulson

Active Member
i will take close up pics for you tonight, but ph is around 6.3 and water temps are around 75 until i throw a cold ice bottle in there. ppm is about 600-700. also why are my roots not going down into the water through the net pots? they are not doing anything but the plants continue to grow??
what strain is it? it is most likely deficient if your ppm is that low. and it is absolutely essential to get your ph between 5.5 and 6.


Well-Known Member
tap water could be your problem.. there is mag and ca already in the tap water. Try using R/O water.. you might be over fertilizing them because the ca and mg are already in the tap water , just a thought.


Well-Known Member
oh and about the roots. they may be stressed from what you've been doing. If this is so, your already fucked. If the babies aren't healthy and their stressed at the beginning there not going to produce for shit. Do you have a good root system? Have you noticed any type of growth or gain from your root system since 2 weeks ago.?

**I'm not in any way telling you to do this , But if MY babies are stunted, stressed or fucked up in in any way i personally throw them away and just start over. Its worth it in the long run because your not wasting time,$$ and drama ... If you go through with the grow and there stunted or stressed your yield will be minimal**
remember these plants are only 2 weeks old, they shouldnt be in more then 600 ppm solution right? my ph is at 6.1 usually, i will drop it lower, i will be posting pics up soon but how could they be deficincies if im using floranova grow at about 300 ppm over the tap waters ppm. is this not enough? is it too much? am i over watering??
the roots look great(just pulled one of the plugs out of my hydroton, very white and hairy BUT they havent dropped into the res's yet.) they are growing enormously, also the strains are
sour bubba ( these are doing well and extrmemly bushy) then alien OG(doing poorly) larry og(doing poorly) sour diesel(doing ok)
also they are only in veg, are my ppms too low for 2 weeks into veg from clone?what waer should i use then(tap comes out at 300 ppm @ about 7.1 ph)


Active Member
Did you put rooted clones in the net pots? If not, you should cut those fan leaves in half. Less infrastructure for the plant to manage. There is a trade off since the fan leaves are nutrient deposits that the plant can draw from. Since there is not an adequate root structure to support the foliage, the plant will draw from all the older growth first. Your growing tips are the key, how do they look?

I would drop the pH as a starting point - 5.8 is a sweet spot. Your water might be the issue, hard to say.
pics coming in an hour, o dropped the ph and stoped water so frequently. hopefully that is a good move and not make it worse. They were rooted, barely coming out of 1 inc rockwool, looked at one just now, very bushy root mass but very small , white and hairy. no slime. although the wet rockwool squares(not the actual rockwool but filler material turned black at the stem so i removed that becauseim assuming it wqas some growth.