Please Help! 2nd Week in Dwc Pots and Edges are Yellow and Burnt (Pics)

ok here are the pics guys. this is right after lights off and with a flash. how often should i water them? i brought it down to 15 minutes every 3 hours and before it was like triple 1.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 5.jpgphoto.jpgphoto 4.jpg


Well-Known Member
Did you treated hydroton before using it? or just put it in the pot straight from the bag? ah and you can get bottled water. Spring will work great while you get a whole house filter ASAP. Your kidneys won't like that hard water either.


Well-Known Member
Well IMO the diagnose is pH swings stress, most likely due to salt buildup.

I would treat by heavily flushing the pots with clearex and wash all the gear real good. Then I'd toss that solution and use bottled pH'd water at 5.5 with a few drops of superthrive for another day. Then I'd add 1/2 strenght nutes to the solution and plants should be already recovering by then