please help 7 large plants destroyed!!!! HELP

IM NOT NEW TO GROWING , newer to outdoor growing, so here the deal i have a few we will say a couple plants out doors in the woods with three dirrerent plots about a quarter mile from eachother, the plant are in the ground and about waist high with a cage of 1 inch chicken wire 36" tall made into tamato like cages berried a third in the ground around each plant they have been out doors for 42 days , now the prob is i went out to watr and 7 plants are dug all the way out of the ground and racoon prints everey whare i dont know what to doo with the pests and have a few things i cant do it being a guarilla grow , from the beginning i have been peeing around my crop and also used some critter of or somthing like that , o ya that day wen i went out thare i seen a coon about 20 yard away from one of my plots and wen he seen me he ran up a tree !!! little baSTTRD, I DONT HAVE A LOT OF MONEY TO BUY TRAPS EITHER AND GET THEM STOLE OR SOMTHING

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
i never did any outdoor growing but i have some knowledge about it. First organic amendments will attract critters from what i hear(bone blood meal). Try going to the store and get some shit. I think they use a form of copper or something around plants to stop slugs. try putting some human hair around.. also shaved up bars of soap.... if you have a dog bring him to your plot and piss and shit. Other animals will sense another carnivore in the area and stay away. hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
That's pretty bad luck, southbend. I feel for you.

A similar thing happened to me last year. It's a heartbreak, especially when they have been out there growing for that long.

Maybe you could put chicken wire on the top of your chicken wire cage so the critters have no access.


Well-Known Member
My crazy bro in law buys big boxes of plastic forks, (he says he buys in a restaurant) and plants them tines up all around his plants. He swears by it. Sounds crazy but he always has a good harvest.


Active Member
I always bring my shotgun with me to Myne man I always see a ground hog or a fox or most of the time I see coons and those fckers got rabbits alotta the time around here so I always shoot em cuz I got horses and I love shooting my gun lol


Active Member
I always bring my shotgun with me to Myne man I always see a ground hog or a fox or most of the time I see coons and those fckers got rabbits alotta the time around here so I always shoot em cuz I got horses and I love shooting my gun lol
Thats risky man I would think twice about that unless you are 100% sure that no one else is around... If you get caught with a firearm at a grow operation the court system really frowns upon that because they assume you are willing to take someones life over the plants. GOOD LUCK OP COONs ARE A BITCH I would try to get some relocation traps and then sell them when you are done with them. Its not like they depreciate in value... or keep them around for future grows...


Active Member
Long story I have a huge property out in the middle of know we're the people to my right live a miles away and ingot a next door neighbor to my let and she thinks I'm crazy cuz her son fucked with my house and my cars so I drained has spelling mother fuckers in their grass andkilled all their grass saying that lol but they're never home she's a nurse at major hospital an I know very one around me plus I live in redneck land I hear guns going off all the time coons and ground hogs are bad so it's kinda just like whatever when guns go off as long as nobody gets shot


i had a pest problem earlier in the season. i bought a box of strong smelling soap bars at costco. cut them up into squares to maximize each bar, and spread them around the grow sight haven't had any problems since. worth a try
i dont know i went and bought a 4 ft fence thats more sturdy with metal poles , i have no idea wat is attracting this animal or animals , but its driving me insane, all i used for soil is the natural soil mixed with a lil peat moss , and use flora nova forr nutes and a lil b1 organic enless the nute are making them come ? i will be going out tonight to do the fence i will keeep u guy posted , IF I HAVE ANY DOPE LEFT!!!! i wish i could chain a dog out thare but its will attract attention and i wouldnt leave a dog in the forrest for days at a time
i think i will probley get some hair and soap cuz ive heard of that from the REV, and also cant use guns to much noise and safety hazard for the people around and houses, and like jeep said to risky guns+drugs= 10years federal time!!! not worth that for a lil personal smoke u know, i really want to thank u all for all the help and any more will be greatly appreciated
and will not take a human life for bud thare have been way to many casualtys already, but i will kill a damn racoon or what ever other creature messes with my stash!! lol
i dont know about forks wht about spoons?lol i dont know man but if the fence doesnt work im willing to try anything cuz this is my smoke for next year, thare is not a lot of premo smoke around me so if i dont grow i will be smoking mexican brick all year and the mid grade is overpriced and some of it trying to be pushed as kind, which is fucking bullshit and wont fund fuckin scam artist, so i just get mexi brick fof cheap cuz that shits so plentyful.
i tried this deer off stuff said for all nuisance animals, no effect what so ever , then got critter ridder garlic and pepper baseed NO EFFECT so idont know i think those dont work or dont work for racoons? and both were like 20-30 $ a pc so if u have the same prob dont buy man, personnaly i think its gotten worse sense i used them i think may that stuff is helping attract them cuz of the food garlic peppers smell maybe?