please help, advice.5 weeks into flowering. something is stopping my budding growth.


Well-Known Member
so i am 5 weeks into flowering stage and i know that something is stopping my growth. i am getting very slight brown tips on leaves. its not heat stress because i have the AC running on 78-79. i gave it only water for 2 times every feeding because i thought i had a nute lock. next watering will be with feeding once my soil dries up. could it be that i have spider mites? i look all over the plant and under the leaves with a magna glass 10x and i don't see anything. i do see alittle white webs that are like cm long on some leaves. before flowering stage i was neeming my plants. i also read that someone said do not neemm more than 2 weeks into flowering. if i have mites what do i do ??

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Well-Known Member
maybe it went hermie? if it did then the plant will be focusing it's energy on developing seeds which would explain the slow down of bud development


Well-Known Member
i am on the lookout for males but everything that grows around has white hairs on it meaning its a female. what should i do ?


Well-Known Member
just let it finish if its your only plant, it will take longer to finish but you will still have smokable bud, and pluck the balls out


Well-Known Member
no i have another plant next to it that looks completely diff. they just went to sleep. i have to get the hermi plant away from the other good one.


Well-Known Member
i am gonna put the hermi plant in another room i guesss and play around with it. could that be the reason why my other plant started to slow down and brown its leaves up ?


Well-Known Member
yeah make sure you do that asap and be gentle when moving that hermie cause you don't wonna spread that pollen on the other plant


Well-Known Member
i am gonna put the hermi plant in another room i guesss and play around with it. could that be the reason why my other plant started to slow down and brown its leaves up ?
sounds like it got raped and is pregnant also, maybe the pollens already got to it dunno


Active Member
Dang looks like I'm going through the same thing. However the bananas are small yet the other plants stopped budding since last week. Does this mean the others will stop growing?


Well-Known Member
You gotta pay more attention to your plants man.. I look at mine at least 2x's a day, morning and night. Talk to them, love them, and keep an eye out for shit growing that isn't supposed to be.

The more attention you give them the better they do.


Well-Known Member
i am in that room 3 or 4 times a day, they have white hairs allllll over the plant just the top where it buds started to look skinny as in the picture, so i thought it was maybe the watering or feeding. i always looked for balls etc. i just didnt think it would come out to be a hermi.
p.s. can i put the hermi in another closet thats in the same room as my other female or it will still get to her ?


Well-Known Member
ahh 4 fuckin months, i was doing so good now this fucker changed in to a shemale wtf lol.
its okay because this was my first grow. i am gonna do it big next time. i have 2 more seeds of the nl big bud and i am gonna try and get something else :)


Well-Known Member
Advanced nuts makes somthing called Revive. Its cheap and will fix any nut lock and help w/ the heat stress. I used it on a crop infected and stressed w/mites. after fogging the mites revive put them right back on track in less then a week.