Ok, so I got a used super locker 2.0 for a good deal...I picked up some clones and transplanted them into the system..4 days ago. After 3 days I noticed yellowing so I check the ph an it was at 7.0. I got it back down to 6.0. The nutrients I'm using is general hydroponics. I mixed half strength for seedlings and cutlings. Should I mix more?? Also, how often do I put nutrients in?? I'm under the impression its once a week with a water change. I think the system is aeroponics and bubble ponics combined. I filled the water 1 inch from the bottom of the cup and there is air stones on the bottom, sprinkler on top. I left the clones in the rock wool cube and placed the clay balls around it. I was looking at other posts and came up with possibly nutrient def. The leaves are brown and yellow..the ends are curling and some have holes. I appreciate your expert help!! I would love to hear any of your tips! I have never done hydroponics before!