please help answers please?


View attachment 2246171View attachment 2246172View attachment 2246173View attachment 2246174 i just wanted to know how much more bigger will this plant get and why are the white hairs turning brown what does that mean? also im growing outside and bring it in for 12/12 is it bad for the plants to just be outside when its cloudy like it is today does that slow growth? one more thing i let her sleep in today because of the sun not being out they slept in an extra 2 hours will that cause stress?

Po boy

Well-Known Member
keeping them outside in the sun, even on cloudy days, is the best choice. even when cloudy the plants absord lots of good stuff from the sun (the great HPS in the sky). try to keep it on schedule as possible.. GL


Well-Known Member
The hairs are turning brown because it's maturing. Like Po boy said, keep them on schedule and you'll be good.


Well-Known Member
if possible leave them outside and let them mature with the outside lighting schedule, being off schedule can mess them up and start growing more veg then flower, ie screwing up any chances of a decent harvest.


isnt it to early for it to be left outside while flowering being that the days arent 12 12 yet? wont that stop the flowering and go back vegging? kinda worried there. what should i do?