Please help!!!! Any words of wisdom


alreet can any body shed some light on this,

its only one of the six. others are doing fine. been like it now 5 days, flushed it with fresh water 3 days ago. still no improvement.. :twisted:

pic of others,

any advise people......larger leafs are dry n yellow. its also started on a few of the others. checked my inlet and it was a bit blocked cud that be why???



using natural coca in auto-pots with air pumps. all canna nutes(a+b) boost, roottonic, cannazaym and just finished pk.13-14. just started 4 week of flower. e.c 1.6 p.h.6.4. 3x 600 hps. 6'inch inlet 6'outlet temps are 60-82. off-on. strain is livers.

any help will be more than usefull....

Alex Wayne

I would rule out nute def as they look healthy otherwise.I say heat .What is the temperature at canopy level?


just an update droped nutes to 1.5. p.h 6.4. also droped heat (turned 1 of 600w off). 60 off 74 on. also flush agian. still very worried.
