please help are they finished yet idk if i wanna chop it yet help out !!


Expirement 007.jpgExpirement 005.jpgExpirement 012.jpgExpirement 010.jpgExpirement 004.jpg please help i just want to know if i should chop it yet or wait longer. this is my first grow and everythimg is new to me. please leave your opinon and comments. 1. 75 days in soil. 2. 50/50 amber and white hairs 3. trich are cloudy but not 100% sure what im lokking at (see pics) 4. not sure of the strain was told by expert gardner that i could chop now or leave for a little longer for bigger yeilds and im just trying to get a second opinon for when i chop.



Well-Known Member
i answered your other post... but i'll say it again, she has about 3 weeks left by the looks of it.

bob jameson

Active Member
Definitely needs more time. Before harvest time the calyxes will get big, almost as if there's a seed in them. Then the trichome production will really go up.


So i will let them go a little longer. When it comes time to harvest should i flush or shut lights off or any of the stuff you hear people doing any advice???


Well-Known Member
Yup a couple weeks at least. Like they said look for buds to start swelling up and filling in. Also almost all hairs will turn orange and shrink into buds when time is right. Watch your plant :-)