PLEASE help ASAP, dark green splotches on leaves!! (photo inside!)


Well-Known Member

Alright here's some background info...

Plant strain: Blueberry x NL
Age: 2 weeks
Medium: Soil (no nutes) (thin layer of sand on top)
Lighting: 250w MH (will switch to HPS for flowering)
I was watering daily but stopped that about 4 days ago when I was told that was excessive, but this problem persisted.

The problem is the dark green splotches on the leaves. Not sure what they are. I've done some research but can't find anybody with quite the same type of splotches. The problem's been going on and worsening over the past 4-5 days or so.
Note that aside from this problem, and the downward point of the leaves (I was told this was over watering), the plant seems to be growing very nicely, regardless of the ripped roots just less than week or so ago.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank a lot in advance and I hope somebody could offer their advice please :)


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Well-Known Member
Have you foliar sprayed them ever?
I have sprayed the leaves ocassionally in the past, maybe once or twice (in it's first week of life, not in the past week), but not with any nutes in the spray (I haven't fed the plant any nutes yet, still too young I was told)

Could that have done it?


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats probably your problem...even if you just spray plain water...that MH bulb will cook the leaf under droplets of water....unless you sprayed during dark time. There could be a slim chance its from the sand...but I doubt it. i just don't know of anyone else using sand as a top layer. Just keep an eye on the newest growth that comes long as it looks good then you should be fine. Take a look at the link below too. Education never hurts!


Active Member
Calcium & magnesium deficent. go to the health store buy some 300mg 130mg respectfully. crush down 2 tablets & mix with the water. each 4 weeks of that plants life.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... well I actually had sprayed its leaves back when I was using the CFL lighting (it was under 4x 42w CFL). As for the sand, I just put it on the soil today, so it couldn't be the problem. I put it on to prevent any potential bugs from laying their eggs in the soil. So far it's doing a great job at keeping little bugs away.
I'll check out that link, thanks.
The new foliage seems healthy though. Maybe the first two leaves (with the splotches on them) are just stresse dout from me being so noobyish lol.


Well-Known Member
Calcium & magnesium deficent. go to the health store buy some 300mg 130mg respectfully. crush down 2 tablets & mix with the water. each 4 weeks of that plants life.
It's not still too young to feed?

I actually have 500mg calcium tablets at home, I use them myself, would I be able to use one of those instead of 2x 300mg?

You sure it's not too young to feed though? I've been told by others that my problem could have been induced because of feeding too early.


Well-Known Member
I'd say that there are two possible reasons. Either shenagen is correct and its from spraying... or fireice is correct and its a calcium deficiency.


Active Member
Ya use the 500mg. introduce neuties now but 1/4 of the full mix. Grow in peace & good luck.. here is a pic of my crop today Ice 5 weeks in flower


Well-Known Member
DO NOT ADD NUTES!!!! They are way too young for nutes want you want...but when they get burnt as shit, don't make a thread about it...jk. You had it right allready about not doing nutes yet.


Well-Known Member
Alright I won't add any nutes yet.

The leaves are only getting worse man, I'm really worried now. The new leaves seem healthy but these two leaves seem like they're gonna die any day.

Would it make sense for me to snip the two sick leaves off or would that not benefit the palnt at all or even harm it?



Well-Known Member
Oh yeah...I forgot to say that you're going to loose those leaves no matter what. Once leaves get a certain amount of damage its only a matter of time before they yellow and drop. Thats why I was saying to keep an eye on the newest does it look? Also what are you growing in?


Well-Known Member
Once the leaf gets over 50% dead then you're supposed to remove it. Sometimes I'll just cut the bad part cut the leaf in half...especially when they're small, and they need all the leaf surface they can get.


Well-Known Member
Ah alright thanks,

The newest growth looks nice. I just took a photo of it here for you.
I also have another plant that just sprouted above the ground yesterday afternoon for the first time and now its already almost 2cm lol! Growing nicely.

As for the plant with the sick leaves, here's a photo of the new growth.
I'm growing in soil (with some perlite mixed in).

I'm going to go ahead and snip off the sick leaves carefully. Should i do it from the base near the stem or should i do it as close to the leaf as possible in your opinion; would it make a difference?



Well-Known Member
K well i clipped off the two sick leaves, the plant looks much better now lol
Thanks for all the help guys i really really really appreciate it

Here's a pic of the plant with the sick leaves clipped off, as well as a photo of the new little one (that i decided to name Jet because of how fast she's growing, at least in my eyes)



Well-Known Member
If you are going to cut the whole leaf take it off at the don't want any parts left to rot or attract bugs.