Please Help ASAP

Why don't you think the lights are involved? The plants certainly seem to have a problem with them.

Are you thinking the feed triggered some kind of general photophobia?
Thats not the issue, but thank you much any input is and will be much appreciated !!!

Seems you are convinced it has something to do with the fertilizing but as the variable factor in the problem is lights on/off I don't understand why you are immediately dismissing the lights and their heat as the source of the problem.

Seeing as you have a number of plants, you could try flushing a couple, moving a couple more away from lights, maybe even repotting one or two others in a different soil and seeing what solution works best. If this is really becoming a problem for you, it would probably be worth losing a couple through experimenting with different solutions than losing them all by following a single incorrect course of action.

When watering is it possible you have poured fertilizer solution directly onto foliage?
It really really sounds like a heat issue, with all those lights going you must have one hell of a ventilation system. What the temperature at the top of the plants?

Can you post better pictures? That one doesn't show much.
30-10-10 is probably too much nitrogen (first number), that make plants droop because roots are doing this reverse osmosis thing where they are actually drawing water out of the plant. Either your plants do not need any fertilizer or try a 20-20-20 at 1/8 strength in about 2 weeks after flushing real well. Overwatering can also look this way, so do not be fooled if limp after flushing, you can drown the roots and it could take 2 weeks to recover
Do you happen to have a CO2 injection system that comes on when the lights do? It could be CO2 poisioning.
The plants that are drooping could be rootbound and the leaves droop to shield the plant from the light.
I'm just guessing though.
Do you happen to have a CO2 injection system that comes on when the lights do? It could be CO2 poisioning.
The plants that are drooping could be rootbound and the leaves droop to shield the plant from the light.
I'm just guessing though.

Bro thank you so much...

im back to 100% health all round golden!

Will post pics soon