Please help. At a complete loss


Well-Known Member

My most recent post tells all that needs be told. i have been asking about this since my last grow and getting the brush off. My leaves turn yellow and get brown spots. Veins stay green as rest of leaf yellows. New leaves old leaves big leaves little leaves. Green leaves become pale green and wilt slightly.

Is this windburn possibly? I have noticed this before with full on fan blowing.

I have read every goddamn faq and read three books' deficiency section, following advice accordingly. Please, somebody, give me an opinion.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe it is windburn.
Have you checked to see if your plants are Root bound? Take a butter knife, slide it between the soil and side of pot all the way around, plant should come right out.

Try googleing Root bound plants symptoms.



Well-Known Member
These are 3 gal pots.... Granted this is the 12th week they are in their pots, I don't know how they could be rootbound... and if they are... I'm quite fuckt!

Could it be that my light is too close? I can't imagine that is the case but I am really willing to consider anything at this point.


Well-Known Member
Will measure it exactly when the lights come on tonight... But at least 18-24 inches away. I feel like I erred on the side of being too far from the plants.

this just doesn't make sense. the leaves typically brown before they yellow, and are quite brittle. By the look of my sour kush vs the c4, it is clearly a bit stunted.

Going to really study the plants tonight.... There's got to be something I am overlooking. Maybe something like superthrive or hormex would help get them back on track??? A little b vitamin to help end whatever this goddamn shock is?


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics. Was having similar problems with yellowing and dying leaves. These plants WERE root bound.
6th week of flower
400W HPS
Tallest plant is 10 inches from bottom of reflector.



Well-Known Member

possible it is rootbound..... I just checked out my meter. it has been reading the R/O water we get in our 5 gal jugs from the guy down the street at 5.8 to 6.0 since we started growing in this area.... Recently my girlfriend started commenting on how the water is around 7.

I checked out the water tonight... It read 8.3.

Calibrated my hanna grocheck combo and found that my ph 4 probe has been reading way low. Which doesn't make much sense, because I corrected it and found it reading my R.O. Water at 5.8 dead on.

Which means the past two teas I have made were off the charts acidic. I was getting a reading of 8.3 on my tea and correcting down to what I thought was 6.3.

Should i be administering dolomite lime with watering? Should I check my runoff water before I make any decisions for treatment? Perhaps a foiliar spray in the meantime?


Well-Known Member
looks like combo of lacking trace elements (could easily be from hi PH) and then the curls say lacking CO2/light or maybe just the nutro imbalance.


Active Member
well if your ph is good and your using /or/ water i would flush with fresh water and then use half mix for a week and then go to 3/4 mix and see if they come back .i would use this mix in soil ,ghp tbp grow /tbp micro/3 tbp bloom /and 2 tbp of ebsom salt it 5 gallons of water for your 12/12 cycle .its works well and you should use 5 gallon buckets or even 7 's next time .the more you have to water the more salts that build up in your root system ,then you get a nute lock out and leaves start to die . sunshine # 4 soil mix is best