Please Help, Beginning of 3rd Weed Veg


Just had a quick look at ur progress..them girls look great, well done.. tried to rep u but came up wiv silly will try again tomorrow!


Active Member
Well done bruv, smashing it there! They sativa? Cuz they BIG
There part indica part sativa but they were vegged till around 24 inches, when they were first put into 12 12 they were growing like crazy especially the pure ak reaching height growths of about 2.5inches a day but now have slowed down so i'm assuming they are using all there energy in bud growth :)


Active Member
Thank you Wannita and Jason hopefully i'll get a nice harvest off these would be nice to get 3oz per plant maybe i'll get 3 off the 4ft Pure AK and 2 off each of the other plants


Active Member
I sold my old blue spectrum but to someone who i can borrow it off, what do you lot think? 250(incandescent equal) watt blue spectrum cfl?
Shall i add it in for the last 2/3 weeks? i've heard you can have blue spectrum in as long as it's not to the amount of wattage of 1/3 of the red spectrum...

But my HPS is dual spectrum so does that mean half is already blue?

And if i do add this in will the blue spectrum light actually cause a difference?


Well-Known Member
ok may that work better for a full scrog
i have not done a full scrog
but have done scrog on individual plants and it works well
i can adjust each plant height and spread to easily gain the most light cover and size of screen
if anythings goes wrong i can remove one plant (sick,Hermy, ect) have been Lucky so far
but it will happen one day.
Never happened to me either but touch wood they'll forever be ok :)

I sold my old blue spectrum but to someone who i can borrow it off, what do you lot think? 250(incandescent equal) watt blue spectrum cfl?
Shall i add it in for the last 2/3 weeks? i've heard you can have blue spectrum in as long as it's not to the amount of wattage of 1/3 of the red spectrum...

But my HPS is dual spectrum so does that mean half is already blue?

And if i do add this in will the blue spectrum light actually cause a difference?
you can put as much blue in as you like, hell you can even flower under blue (not that I'd recommend it)

Dual spectrum's are brilliant, generally they aren't half blue but put out enough blue spectrum that you shouldn't need to supplement (except maybe on the lower growth)... What I've found with mixed spectrums towards the end of flower is it really helps to develop trichs because I think some of those blue spec bulbs have some uvb or something... but I used my dual spec LED (with no UVB) for the last 2 weeks of flower on my 1st grow and she really frosted up. I think that's all they do, stimulate trich production, from what I've noticed anyway. And at the beginning of flower it can help to limit the stretch a bit I think... don't hold me to that one.


Active Member
Just noticed another reason i should not try to do dates while high like last night, day 38 of flower not 45! editing posts now


Active Member
I sold my old blue spectrum but to someone who i can borrow it off, what do you lot think? 250(incandescent equal) watt blue spectrum cfl?
Shall i add it in for the last 2/3 weeks? i've heard you can have blue spectrum in as long as it's not to the amount of wattage of 1/3 of the red spectrum...

But my HPS is dual spectrum so does that mean half is already blue?

dual spectrum hps bulbs are good for both veg and flower as they have lot more blue in than a basic hps bulb
blue light does not really help in late flower
blue light is for plant growth in veg and early-mid flower

And if i do add this in will the blue spectrum light actually cause a difference?
a blue cfl is not good for flower but ok for veg
6 weeks a go i started doing a blubber system with rooted clones i do not know much about these systems, done one a few years a go,and this will be my 2nd grow in a bubbler.
2 plants in soil and 2 in bubbler under a 250 mixed spectrum hps for first 4 weeks and last 2 weeks under 2x600w mh
omg i have got to flower soon,one of the plant is trying to climb out the room
its 1m across and just 2ft high in the bubbler
hps is the right type of light for flower (red) and blue for veg
but hps has a lot higher lums per watt than a mh



Active Member
need some help on this one
the main colas are large on these plants, will this increase the yield ?
cut the top colas off at week 8 and drop the lights and flower for another 2 weeks to let the small buds increase in size and fill out


Well-Known Member
need some help on this one
the main colas are large on these plants, will this increase the yield ?
cut the top colas off at week 8 and drop the lights and flower for another 2 weeks to let the small buds increase in size and fill out
Healthier plants (bigger colas/tops/plants in general) means more yield definitely!

as for the chop and let go for 2 weeks, this is somewhat common practice in some circles, chop the top colas and whatever ones that look ready.. so long as the lower branches look immature (clear trichs) it would be fine to let them go until they are finished.. If however the lower branches are milky to amber trichs, chop the whole thing because anything longer than cloudy/amber trichs is just THC degredation and will reduce potency.


Active Member
Just noticed another reason i should not try to do dates while high like last night, day 38 of flower not 45! editing posts now
you posted some pic on the 1 April with the buds just starting
now 3 weeks later they look good, plants full of buds and still have 2-3 weeks left
so they should grow a lot bigger in that time


Active Member
Healthier plants (bigger colas/tops/plants in general) means more yield definitely!

as for the chop and let go for 2 weeks, this is somewhat common practice in some circles, chop the top colas and whatever ones that look ready.. so long as the lower branches look immature (clear trichs) it would be fine to let them go until they are finished.. If however the lower branches are milky to amber trichs, chop the whole thing because anything longer than cloudy/amber trichs is just THC degredation and will reduce potency.
hope your reading this Elliesdaddy


Active Member
Had a slight problem, woke up at 2 as i had a smoke till late last night
Woke up at 2 with no electric acording to my timer electric run out at half 10 (half hour before normal)
so i put the emergency on without putting the timer forward to 2 o'clock they got about 30seconds of light :/ just glad it happened at 2 and not any later..


Well-Known Member
should be fine, so long as they get less hours of light it shouldn't harm them at all it's only if they get more than 12 hours your fucked :)

and a long dark period (up to 72 hours from what I've seen them recover from) may make them a bit sad but inevitably they'll be fine it might even help to stimulate trich production.


Active Member
Might not be able to get a 420 scope till thursday...
So any other indications of when to start flushing? bottom buds are half brown pistles top ones are still all white/yellow


Active Member
you could use your camera you used the other day
zoom in as much as you can on some buds and take some pics
upload them to your computer and use some software to zoom in a bit more
and u should be able to tell if most the trichs are clear/milky or amber