this is my first grow and i have a proble,. alot of the bottom leaves are dying off slowly.. she is under a 1000hps 12/12 and is in a regular home depot bucket..i have never really used any nutes can that be the problem..
any advise is awesome thanks.
It's normal that some bottom leaves die because they can't reach the light or it can be a nitrogen deficiency, so don't freak out. But its a very good idea to star to feeding her, flowering is a hard process and she needs nutes right now for sure!!!
yeah..they def need some pickup both grow and bloom nutes...start feeding them the grow nutes for at least another 2-3 weeks to make sure they have enough N to cover the flowering stretch..then start with your bloom nutes.try to find some ferts with a good npk ratio...most ferts will have a npk rating on the front...start out with a 20-20-20 mix to balance things
It's normal that some bottom leaves die because they can't reach the light or it can be a nitrogen deficiency, so don't freak out. But its a very good idea to star to feeding her, flowering is a hard process and she needs nutes right now for sure!!!
1 plant under 1,000 watts is getting plenty of light..unless its a huge plant...and no, bottom leaves dying isnt normal at any stage of the plants want all green and healthy leaves up till harvest