Please Help! Can Anyone Please Tell Me What Looks To Be Wrong


are u using any nutes or using lights if ur using lights please tell me what ones

Killer Bud

Well-Known Member
I am using 5 florescent T5 24" lights, humidity is around 55-65%, and temp is between 27C-30C.I am feeding them rain water mixed with Earth Juice (2TBSP Grow, 1TSP Bloom, 1TSP Catalyst) I feed them that every other feeding. I use rain water because water at my house is poison. Only 2 out of 10 plants have this. All are using same soil mixtures, and have same conditions.

Killer Bud

Well-Known Member
2 other plants are now showing the same symptoms :( Yellows dots that seem to be consuming the leaves from leaf edges to middle. I checked the rain waters pH its 5.9. Seems to be ok. I checked soil pH which is between 6.7-6.9.