Please help,cfls to close to leaves, curling down and plant attacked by dog !!!


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have already made a thread about leaves curling down but thought i would combine all 3 questions i need to ask into 1 post, plant is auto northern light around 5 1/2 weeks old.

Firstly do my cfl`s look to close to my plant ?


Secondly , the fan leaves near the top of the plant are curling down and under as pictured , temps are around 25 degrees, was watering every couple of days to start with till advised to only water when pot felt light which is what ive been doing since which is about 2 weeks.I have been using bio-bizz bloom for the last couple of weeks now on full dose.


And last but not least whilst i took my plants out today to water them , i went to get some more water, whilst i was gone my dog got into the room and eat some of the leaves from my plants, the 2 russians were badly damaged (they were badly stretched anyway but the northern light was mainly savaged down the bottom , only a couple of the top leaves were damaged, will it make it?


Please advise. thanks.
Cfls can touch the plant that's not a problem.

Problem is it's too damn cold. Raise temp to 70/80
As for the dog... Sounds like a lucky dog. I think it'd be okay
Another thing is, might not hurry and give it the full dose when starting.
For nutes I'd start with 1/4 the dose, then work my way up. And as far as the weight, water when the first 3-6 inches down are dry. No plant should get water every other 2 weeks... Fuckin crazy dawg lol


Active Member
i think hes talking Celcius..i water mine every 2 days lol sometimes soon but the HPS does evaporate it alot quicker


Well-Known Member
Def raise the temp 70-75 is optimum! Your plants seems to be over fertilized as well, cut back on your nutes, for you first time with a new strain do not go with the amount on the labels! Instead start off 25-35 percent and only work your way up to 75% the first run. In later grows as you learnthe strain you will be ale to add little by little untill you have figured out the perfect nute ratio.


Well-Known Member
I gave it 1/4 first dose little more the second then full dose since, degrees are in celsius :) Should i expect the plant to take a little longer to flower due to being attacked ? Also other than the questions outlined does it loko ok for its age? (remember its an auto) I also have some ace of buds , anyone know if this should be used alongside nutes or instead of ? I cant seem to find much info on it.

thanks for your replies guys :)


Well-Known Member
no man we didnt think so but with lack of info you answer on what you get.....this IS the newbie forum man we've seen worse


Well-Known Member
Possibly but not too likely, that stress will probobly only hold you off for a day or two before the plant switches. Like i said keep it simple, run the same nutes for all and adjust accordingly down the line. If you do 10 cc's on week 5 this grow next time try 12 cc's. if one plant can take it the next time try 14 cc's. Keep going till you find when they burn. then you will know the maximum ratio of nutes you can give your plants


Active Member
u need to water at least every 3 days..just feel when the pot feels light to pick up..ull know..or the soil receeds from the sides


Well-Known Member
the leaf clawing and spaghetti look is often caused by high temps, overwatering or over which of those might you have...if your temps are cool then it is much you have given doesn't matter...what matters is that this plant doesn't like it...


Well-Known Member
it is overstretched due to my 200watt dual bulb blowing and the plant went without sufficient light for almost 2 days.


Well-Known Member
gonna look at the temps overall as nutes and watering i dont think are the issue, no-one answered if plant looks ok for age?


Well-Known Member
plant had issues to start of with but properly started growing around the 13th march so 5 1/2 maybe 6 weeks in