Please help!!! Deficiency, (with pics)

You got pythium, thats its for almost 100%. Its just not taking over your plants root ball completely yet. Your roots should be bright white, with fuzz, and smell like freshly cut cucumbers.

They should look more like this, (from google)

They are all white.. like i said theyve been in that pot for 6 days.. surely you're not going to see a root ball like that in 6 days lol... i homestly dont believe i have now, especually given the fact ive had the same def every grow and its just miraculously disapeared each time, from what ive read, root rot wouldnt do that,.it would get worse especially if not treated and it seems my plants have reacted positively to the epsom salts yet you want to tell me ive defo got root rot from seeing a picture of plant thats been in a pot of new coco for 6 days, saying that it should look like a mature root ball.. i just dont see how thats possible in 6 days of growth,.and i cant see any.dis coloration in the roots they just look young and not properly formed..
Youve got to bear in mind ive been told my plants are gonna die, ive been told theyve got every def under the sun in the past, on this very site and so many times these growers have turned out to be wrong, or are trying to to convince me i have something that i dont..i just dont sew how my plants have had root rot from the day they came above soil, this has been.there and slowly spread since day 1 when i was giving them literally 50ml of a light ec mix daily and the pots were always dry and light as hell before i fed again.. the only time i could of overwatered is in this last week but the problems were there before that!!!... i just cant see how you can say ypur 100% that its root rot off a undeveloped root ball...
They are all white.. like i said theyve been in that pot for 6 days.. surely you're not going to see a root ball like that in 6 days lol... i homestly dont believe i have now, especually given the fact ive had the same def every grow and its just miraculously disapeared each time, from what ive read, root rot wouldnt do that,.it would get worse especially if not treated and it seems my plants have reacted positively to the epsom salts yet you want to tell me ive defo got root rot from seeing a picture of plant thats been in a pot of new coco for 6 days, saying that it should look like a mature root ball.. i just dont see how thats possible in 6 days of growth,.and i cant see any.dis coloration in the roots they just look young and not properly formed..

Its not the size Im showing you its the color and fuzz..... Look at the picture you posted earlier, some roots are white and some are brown and stringy, and even the white roots are not bright white on your picture

I am telling you that your roots and your plants look exactly like the problem I am having. Your symptoms are just like mine, including plants getting better and worse, and you grow in the same medium as I do. Ive been researching and working on this problem for over a year and growing for going on 13 years. So yes I am telling you that you defiantly have pythium and it is not what you think it is, it is more of a pathogen then a fungus, but I am not going to argue with you over it. You have the answer to your problems right in front of you, take my advice or struggle with it for the next year like I did.
Its not the size Im showing you its the color and fuzz..... Look at the picture you posted earlier, some roots are white and some are brown and stringy, and even the white roots are not bright white on your picture

I am telling you that your roots and your plants look exactly like the problem I am having. Your symptoms are just like mine, including plants getting better and worse, and you grow in the same medium as I do. Ive been researching and working on this problem for over a year and growing for going on 13 years. So yes I am telling you that you defiantly have pythium and it is not what you think it is, it is more of a pathogen then a fungus, but I am not going to argue with you over it. You have the answer to your problems right in front of you, take my advice or struggle with it for the next year like I did.
Ok ill give the bleach a go on one of my plants with ph'd water only and see how it goes if your sure..
My plants just havnt perked up like this in a few days theyve been droopy as hell hence why i belived the epsom did some good
Ok ill give the bleach a go on one of my plants with ph'd water only and see how it goes if your sure..
My plants just havnt perked up like this in a few days theyve been droopy as hell hence why i belived the epsom did some good

I understand your apprehension, there are a lot of blow hards on here and part of the reason it took me a year to figure this out was that I listened to people on the internet who sounded like they knew what they were talking about. Seriously though, I am 99% certain this is your problem and this is the best fix, and its all based on my recent experience not some blog I read on the internet. If you dont try it on one plant you will be doing yourself a disservice.
I understand your apprehension, there are a lot of blow hards on here and part of the reason it took me a year to figure this out was that I listened to people on the internet who sounded like they knew what they were talking about. Seriously though, I am 99% certain this is your problem and this is the best fix, and its all based on my recent experience not some blog I read on the internet. If you dont try it on one plant you will be doing yourself a disservice.
Yes well im glad you do understand as im come across some proper wankers on here, but i will be trying this on one plant if your sure which i believe you are now!!! So i use 10 litres tubs at the moment so how much bleach would i add to 10 litres? I dont underatand gallon as we dont measure like that were i live.. ive got some bleach but its lemon bleach?
Yes well im glad you do understand as im come across some proper wankers on here, but i will be trying this on one plant if your sure which i believe you are now!!! So i use 10 litres tubs at the moment so how much bleach would i add to 10 litres? I dont underatand gallon as we dont measure like that were i live.. ive got some bleach but its lemon bleach?

according to google, 10 liters is 2.6 gallons. So I would use 5ml of regular bleach per 10liter for your first dose then 3ml for each watering after that. I used more than that and had minor ill effects so its a pretty safe measurement, but still strong enough to kill the pythium I believe. It will take up to a week to notice a real change though, the pythium has to die then the roots have to recover, then the plant leaves will start looking nicer and perkier.

edit: mix it with your base nutrient only
according to google, 10 liters is 2.6 gallons. So I would use 5ml of regular bleach per 10liter for your first dose then 3ml for each watering after that. I used more than that and had minor ill effects so its a pretty safe measurement, but still strong enough to kill the pythium I believe. It will take up to a week to notice a real change though, the pythium has to die then the roots have to recover, then the plant leaves will start looking nicer and perkier.

edit: mix it with your base nutrient only
Tipped one of my pots over this morning, and it seems that my roots are alot different to the one i showed you before.. since adding mg my plants have really perked up.. now the plant that tipped over i added bleach too.. i dont know wether its that that has made the roots better or did i just show you a bad plant before.. either way ive thrown the bad one... i see red stringy bits in the pic but i assure you there not roots, more like coco hair and fibre... what do you think now?? Should i add bleach to all just in case? Ive used an epsom spray for 2 days now and no more spread has occurred!! The leafs have turned greener but the damage leafs just seem to have stayed the same..


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That root still looks a little infected to me. Personally I would go ahead and bleach all of them, because its really helping me and I feel like its not hurting my plants. I did over do it once and the effect wasnt even that bad, but it was noticeable.

Rule of thumb though is that if you are unsure and you are trying something new, its best to do a test plant or two and give it at least 2 weeks for a comparison. Thats good advice for anything you want to do.
Im not sure how many plants you have, but a good strategy to rule things out would be something like. Mg one plant, Bleach one, and Mg and Bleach another, and keep a fourth as a control that gets nothing. Give it all two weeks, and best looking plant wins.
Them pics are 2 days old now, since using the epsom salts nearlly all the leafs have turned a nice dark green, all the yellow has gone apart from the already damaged tips, the growth seems to have exploded, when i topped them it was like they stopped growing and whatever happened got worse, but since using the salts the growth has been Amazing, i really believe now it was more a mg def then anything else, just seeing the change in them convinces me of this, and comparing my old pics from previous grows makes me think im on the right track so im going to leave the bleach for now as i dont have the time or the plants to risk experimenting further, I only veg for a max of 5 weeks and there coming upto week 4, and i feel theyve already been stunted enough with what happened this week.. im just glad there on the mend.. ill show you just how much theyve changed when the lights go on!!! I thought the mag might stop the spread but i didnt think for one second that it would fix the damaged yellowing leafs, its quiet impressive a cheap tub of salts could do so much for a plant, especially when using all them expensive nutes from canna, which im starting to think are a waste of money
Yep theres no doubt in my mind that my plants are getting better as the days go by, im actually amazed just how much theyve changed in a matter of days, i honestly felt on the verge of giving up once they stopped growing and the leafs started to die off, hopefully theyll keep on getting better


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May of overdone it with the mag lol got a few purple fan leaf stems.. my main stem is fine but the newest growth stems have turned purple on 4 of my plants.. one thing after another haha its like it never ends
I'd guess a magnesium deficiency. The cal/mag in your tap water is in a large molecule form that is very difficult for your plant to take up. I'm guessing magnesium because I don't know for sure what is in your canna coco, but guessing it is not in there.
I did not realize this. Should one add calmag if using tapwater
I did not realize this. Should one add calmag if using tapwater
From Hydrologic Purification:

"Calcium and magnesium are also the most abundant minerals in tap water. The majority of the PPM, or EC reading, you obtain from a measuring device is cal-mag. The most typical form of these minerals in your untreated water is calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. Unfortunately, contrary to popular belief, these forms are virtually unusable by plants, especially fast growing plants. The molecules of these compounds are far too large and immobile to be absorbed by the roots and transported to where the plant needs them. Relying on the cal-mag in tap water can lead to many problems which we will discuss later in this article."
From Hydrologic Purification:

"Calcium and magnesium are also the most abundant minerals in tap water. The majority of the PPM, or EC reading, you obtain from a measuring device is cal-mag. The most typical form of these minerals in your untreated water is calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. Unfortunately, contrary to popular belief, these forms are virtually unusable by plants, especially fast growing plants. The molecules of these compounds are far too large and immobile to be absorbed by the roots and transported to where the plant needs them. Relying on the cal-mag in tap water can lead to many problems which we will discuss later in this article."
May I ask what article this is from? Im suprised like everyone thinks you get calmag from tap water.
May I ask what article this is from? Im suprised like everyone thinks you get calmag from tap water.

"The most typical form of these minerals in your untreated water is calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. Unfortunately, contrary to popular belief, these forms are virtually unusable by plants, especially fast growing plants. The molecules of these compounds are far too large and immobile to be absorbed by the roots and transported to where the plant needs them. Relying on the cal-mag in tap water can lead to many problems which we will discuss later in this article."