Please help diagnose my plants


Active Member
Hello all, I'm hoping someone can help confirm that my plants have nute burn. I already flushed my rez but just wanted to make sure that is what the problem is. If anyone can confirm or let me know if they know what would cause the leaves to be that color.



Active Member
It almost look's like PH issues,

what is the Ph?

Nute burn normally starts at the tip's.

thanks for the reply, ph is right at 6. I didn't have the issue with the same water till i put the nutes in. its been almost 24 hours since the flush and there hasn't been any change.

Suggestions?? This was my test run so not to upset if it doesn't work out. I have some lowlife autos should be here any day and want to work out the kinks b4 they get germd.


Well-Known Member
I am gonna agree with the other guy here. have u tested the ppm's of your water? could be nute burn if u r using HID's but looks like something in the water reacted with those nutes. I mean it almost looks like you have some micro nute deficiencies but odds of that at this age gotte be slim


Well-Known Member
it's a good call Autotek. I mean what else could it be at this stage? the only thing I question is if the water is excessively hard and something is reacting to something in the nutes-but I dont know why I always have to get so complicated. u r prob right


Active Member
it's a good call Autotek. I mean what else could it be at this stage? the only thing I question is if the water is excessively hard and something is reacting to something in the nutes-but I dont know why I always have to get so complicated. u r prob right
your ph is to high and you need to bring it down to about 5.6


Well-Known Member
6 is ok. ur plants will let their preference known in time. just dont go over 6. a bit lower is more ideal but a 6 ph WILL NOT cause what u r seeing, unless u mistakenly gave em 2 times the dose of nutes.


Active Member
6 is ok. ur plants will let their preference known in time. just dont go over 6. a bit lower is more ideal but a 6 ph WILL NOT cause what u r seeing, unless u mistakenly gave em 2 times the dose of nutes.

I think i'm just gonna let it ride for now..shouldn't be chlorine since i use spring water from the store. Im gonna have to guess its nute burn, hoping it gets better in the next day or two.

If anyone has any ideas im happy to hear them...and thanks to everyone who has given thier opinion.


Active Member
fox farm trio I barely used 1/4 of recommended first dose, a little less actually, it's supposed to ph the water but like i said i don't have a ph prob.


Active Member
I use a fish tank de-chlorifier made by Tetra from the local pet shop, I suggest using some.

Look for the kind that removes that dreaded chloramine, chloramine kills plant's!

Chlorine is O.K. in very minute ammounts, it is actually good for them.

But, Clhoramine on the other hand is bad news!