PLEASE HELP: Did I chose the correct lighting?

Hey, just got back from the grow room, I measured the space where I have the plants, it is 4 feet wide and about 3 feet in length. I only have 2 matured plants and 2 smaller clones so I don't need to big of a grow space, however the room itself is much bigger than this and is painted white with mylar lining the walls in the grow area as well as plastic sheeting on the rest of the room and a large oscilating fan as well as a gallon of ona gel sitting outside the door and all exits of the room have airwick misters filled with ozium cans. I can't get a carbon filter for the room, it's not needed anyways.

The main point here is, I am done with the vegatative cycle( someone gave me them pretty much fully grown to the point I would like them and for free too ) and am about to start flowering, I currently have them on 80W flourescent, I know, hella shitty, but that is only for a few days, I am going to the hydroponics store and getting some lights soon. However, for flowering I ordeded some LED lights because I have heard they have great results and use much less energy. So I am buying a UFO LED grow light, simply because it is cheaper than a panel or bar.

Here are the two I am trying to decide between:

Would these lights work for vegging and flowering? It says one of them can replace 2x 600W HPS lights. I know they are better at converting energy to light but is this really true or just a sales pitch? Which of these two should I get, or if you know one that would be better for under 200$ please advise.:bigjoint:bongsmilie:lol:


Well-Known Member
Those two brought me to the same light. Replacing a 600w is a sales pitch. Some good growers can yield a bit more with high quality LEDs but generally you still need about equal wattage - so to replace a 600w HID you would want 600w true watts of LED. The savings are mostly in heat management and bulb replacements.


Well-Known Member
They are different light ratios.

They will not replace a 600w. if that is a true 200w, then expect just over half the yield of a 600w.
and the UFO's have a pretty bad footprint unless you raise them pretty far above the plants.

You cant really get LED's on a budget.
What I am basically looking for is a grow panel than I can place in my grow space and have complete coverage, it is 4 feet wide and 3 feet in length with two matured plants and two smaller clones only about 1-2 feet atm. I am looking for a high yield, and all these strains are high yielding, purple thai, trainwreck, bubba breath... Grade A shit man. Please help a noob! Thanks! :D


Active Member
Don't buy an led system from alibaba, there is a thread going right now about recieving an alibaba panel that didn't fully work.

Your working with 12 square feet, that's going to require a lot of leds.

I am currently flowering with a 400w hps a (128w actual draw) led wholesaler light and a bs240 (actual 135w draw). Basicly I am using the leds for supplemental lighting. My grow area is 16sqft.

If I wanted to cover a 12 sqft grow with all leds I would want around 650 drawn watts with even coverage. Probably multiple units. That's going to cost more than your current budget.

Do it once, do it right. Led is expensive, if you don't want to spend the coin for the units stick with hps or t5 and save up some loot. DON'T buy cheap panels that will Crap out and cost you grief and more loot in the long run.


Well-Known Member
Alibaba is the ebay of China. Most all US sold panels are listed there... There will of course be garbage but then again there will also be the exact same systems you're use to for 1/4 the price. Not to say you should definitely go this route but I don't understand why more people don't.

Here's a random 360w unit (actual draw likely ~330) I picked out as I was curious of shipping prices:

Priced with the following BlackStar spectrum but you can request different mixes. Red(660):Blue(450):Red(640):UV(380):IR(730=12:2:2:2:2
Shipping is to California

1) 1 of 120x3W Iris with shipping to your address:
Unit price: $249.75/unit
Shipping cost(DHL)=$99.83
Total cost=$349.58 USD

2)10 of 120x3W Iris with shipping to your address: Unit price: $238.96/unit
Shipping cost(UPS)=$518.43
Total cost=$2908.03 USD



Well-Known Member
And then there's the DIY route. I put together 200w of LED for $180... I went the lazy route with arrays which is really pretty simple.

Assembly is fairly simple. Mark holes on the heatsync. Pre-drill for screws, hanger, and cords. Apply thermal paste, screw down, solder positive to positive and negative to negative.



Well-Known Member
analyzing the first post I cant help but feel this is actually a sellers add posing as a thread !