Well-Known Member
just found these in my outdoor garden, i am useing all natural soil and i notice they grow in the shaded area and if i dont pick them by noon they dry out and die, anyone know if they are liberty caps?
good man with mushrooms the thing is if your not sure, dont eat them - plain and simple. Grow your own or get off a trusted dealer ( think thats important ). With mushrooms they might just make you a little sick, or they might do nothing ( edible ) or they might kill you in a horrible way or cause cramps or anything bad really and some of them can take years to play and like destroy your organs slowly ect....and 10 years later oh shit ive been poisoned" ahh i never knew then you go to the hospital you realise it was a shroom if your lucky you get some majorly disgusting treatment but anyway WONT HAPPEN COZ YOUR NOT EATING THEMim just gonna throw em out thx guys
First things first, can you give us a little more information as to where you live? US? Northeast, Southeast, etc? Australia? Your location alone can make a HUGE difference as to exactly what species of shrooms you have. I wouldn't eat those tho. I can tell you that much.whats up guys, just noticed some new mushrooms growing in my garden by my dying strawberry plant, looks like theyr growing out of the wood chips in the all natural soil, and those really little ones im not sure if theyr the same species or what..but if anyone can let me know if these are any good fora trip i would apreciate it