Please help....First grow

Does anyone know why the top side of the stems are purple and the bottom side white?
Does anyone know what the white spots are on the fan leaves?
What can i do about that bug thats chomping my leaves?
Can you tell what kind of strain this plant is?
Did i mess up lollypoping this plant?

Sorry for all the questions , this is my first grow so i am a noob!!
Thanks Everyone


Mr. Anomaly

Active Member
First of all it is almost impossible for anyone to identify exactly what strain you are working with by looking at photos but what i can tell you with almost full certainty is that you are dealing with a sativa dominate hybrid and the best way you can deal with the moths and weevils that are eating away at your ladys is to spray them with a mixture of neem oil and a wetting agent such as coco wet. I would also like to recommend that you wait till your plant starts to branch out and become bushy before you attempt to lollypop.
Damn i was at the store looking for bug spray and i saw that neem oil but i did not know what it was so i past it up. I was told to get a product named Natria i dont know if i should use it though. I already lollypoped 2 weeks before flowering. Thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
look into supercropping if u want a bushy plant. or topping. if u want a bushy plant u gotta train it to do that. one way is topping. you simply cut the tip off the plant. that forces the growth hormones down to the next set of branches. personally i prefer supercropping. watch some youtube videos to see technique. it works great. just start when the plants a foot or so tall. as it grows you supercrop every so often. maybe wait at least 5-7 days between supercropping. i like to start the plant. wait until its a foot or so tall. top the plant. wait for 2 lower branches to grow a bit and take its place. supercrop those to either side. the inside 4 branches take their place. wait for them to grow a bit. super crop once more and so on. the bug problem isnt bad. is the plant outdoors? if so bugs are normal. the plant can handle it. as long as its not millions of mites or somethin. somethin i like to do is mist the plants with slightly soapy water once a day or just plain water. just dont mist leaves when plants in the sun. it can burn the leaves. one of ur plants looks like its starting to bud. dont supercrop or top or anything once started to bud.


Well-Known Member
Damn i was at the store looking for bug spray and i saw that neem oil but i did not know what it was so i past it up. I was told to get a product named Natria i dont know if i should use it though. I already lollypoped 2 weeks before flowering. Thanks for your help.
You can spray but do it at lights out so you don't burn your plant....and....
Neem is a must for any gardener it is safe and will almost never burn plants. want to water those plants w/the Neem Oil mixture as well as spray them, cause it works from the inside of the plant to keep other harmful insects away :mrgreen: good luck