Please help, first time grower


New Member

I am a first time grower and 3 weeks into it I've noticed little yellow marks on my leaves. Google tells me it could be burning from water droplets left on the leaves but I just want to open it up to more advice in case it's not. Can anyone please advise?

Details about grow;
3 weeks in, 250w hps light 2 foot away from top of leaves.




Well-Known Member
Hello reggie.

What kind of soil is that you are using? It looks exactly like a ph issue the way the leaves are scrunched and curled with the burn spots.
Are you checking ph or feeding any nutrients?


New Member
Hello reggie.

What kind of soil is that you are using? It looks exactly like a ph issue the way the leaves are scrunched and curled with the burn spots.
Are you checking ph or feeding any nutrients?
I am using biobizz grow as nutes and watering 1ml per litre 3 times a week.

I don't have anything to check the ph but the potting compost I used is a ph between 6-7 it says on the back of the pack.

Should I invest in a ph reader? Is the ph really that important that it can cripple a plant?

Ps thanks so much for taking an interest.


Well-Known Member
Okay you are overfeeding. At this stage, they don't need nutrients. I don't start feeding until I notice slight yellowing on the lower leaves.

Yes ph is that important. The reason being because if it is off, some vital nutrients become locked out to the plant and you will have a world of problems. Soil is much more forgiving than any other growing method but it is still important.

Are you watering with straight tap water?


New Member
Okay you are overfeeding. At this stage, they don't need nutrients. I don't start feeding until I notice slight yellowing on the lower leaves.

Yes ph is that important. The reason being because if it is off, some vital nutrients become locked out to the plant and you will have a world of problems. Soil is much more forgiving than any other growing method but it is still important.

Are you watering with straight tap water?
Watering with water that comes out of an osmosis unit, then I leave it out over night to absorb any chlorine.

I'll cool the jets so with the nutes for a week and see how they get on or recover.

Any other tips?


Well-Known Member
Yea, I water straight from the hose. Using an osmosis machine not only takes out harmful chemicals, but it takes out good ones like calcium. So then you have to supplement with micronutrients. I recommend using tap water for a first grow, it's easier to keep track of. Your problem looks like magnesium deficiency which can happen because of too much phosphorous or overwatering. My advice is to water with tap water and lay off the nutes for a few weeks and it should correct itself.

Get a ph pen and test the tap water. When I first turn my hose on the water is almost at ph 8 but if I let it run a little, it comes out at 6.7-7. Most problems occur because of too much attention and over caring for the plants. It's a weed, they thrive with little attention


New Member
Yea, I water straight from the hose. Using an osmosis machine not only takes out harmful chemicals, but it takes out good ones like calcium. So then you have to supplement with micronutrients. I recommend using tap water for a first grow, it's easier to keep track of. Your problem looks like magnesium deficiency which can happen because of too much phosphorous or overwatering. My advice is to water with tap water and lay off the nutes for a few weeks and it should correct itself.

Get a ph pen and test the tap water. When I first turn my hose on the water is almost at ph 8 but if I let it run a little, it comes out at 6.7-7. Most problems occur because of too much attention and over caring for the plants. It's a weed, they thrive with little attention
thanks a million for the advice, very much appreciated, happy growing


Well-Known Member
PH pens are nice, kind of. If you are doing soil pH drops are fine, hell half the time I use them on hydro runs too. True you have to keep buying them but with meters you still have to buy calibration solutions. I have two Hanna meters, a Milwaukee and two trimeters and I still go back to the drops.


Well-Known Member
I hate Googlez, and I hate them more when correct,
but still not enough perlite in that pot, add 30# per pot volume, for a hassle free grow,
as you may see some nute burn is upon you
The way i avoided the $60-$100 investment for a PH meter, was the GH lil test kit, comes with the ph chemical to put in the lil vial, just a 4oz bottle, checking Ph semi-daily i still have over 3/4's of it 3 months later =) we're on a well and the PH from tap is 7-ish.
"can" be higher if your water is coming from an outside garden hose just FYI =)

i was pre-mixing ph'd water until i got roots, i'm running 15 gal with hydro now, if your PH is too high, plant's won't grow or even absorb nutes to promote growth. i don't have a PPM meter, just using a couple nutes, nothing fancy =) and i'd go slow with your nutes, and flush since your doing soil especially.