PLEASE HELP (First Time Growing)


This is my first time so:
1- Can anyone identify this strain???
2- Should i be concerned about the leaf that broke or not???
3- Can i start my flowering stage after my first week to keep my plant small???
I have very limited grow space, thats my reasoning.


Well-Known Member
1: No no one is going to be able to identify the exact strain just by looking at a plant without detailed information, much less a 1 say old seedling.
2: No don't worry about the first two leaves from the sprout, they fall off eventually anyways. <--- read link
3: Hm I have seen threads on RIU of other growers starting their plants in flowering from seed but the yeald is very little and the plants tend to look unhealthy, but they make it through! I would recommand atleast a month of Veg growth.

What is the details on you op? Lighting? Nutes you plan to use?
Im not using any nutes as of right now
My lighting is a single 120v 60w light bulb about 6 inches away from the plant and i have foil lining my pot and surrounding walls

again its my first time so i dont know much THANKS FOR THE HELP THOUGH
thanks for starting your own thread :eyesmoke: . dont worry about what strain it is. Your gonna try to get buds off that plants and smoke them regardless of what the strain is. I also asked questions like that when I first started. My best advice to you would be to buy a compact fluoro bulb. You cant just buy any compact fluoro either. If you search around this website, you will find what kind of bulb is best for veg and flower. You can also buy a splitter so that you can run two bulbs with one cord and socket.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
What they said.

Limited space, does that mean limited ability to get rid of heat?

If yes, CFL's...if no, go MH & HPS.

You say 120v in "incandescent" 60w? Get rid of it, those and halogen lamps are useless.

CFL's - For one plant you'll want at least 100W (real), and for every additional plant you'll need at least an extra 50w.
HID, 50w/sq ft seem to be the rule, so a closet grow would take about a 250w HID lamp.

A mixed spectrum never hurts, I use/used a mix of CFL's that I get from the grocery store.
3,500K (soft/warm) and 6,000K (daylight), 23W CFL's.

Veg, a 3:1 ratio of 6,000K to 3,500K, and Flower is the other way around.

Good luck