Please help have I got nutrient lockout

Bait head

Active Member
Hi all I have a new problem with one of the 2 NFT tanks all the plants seem to be not doing as well as the other Nft tank the fan leaves have yellowed off quite a lot lost a number of fan leaves also and the bud formation does not seem as good as good as the other tank the plants have really stunted and seem really far behind the other tank I have actually had one of the smaller ones nearly completely die I am currently in in week 5 flower res temp is around 24 and is ph 5.7-6.1 the e.c is never higher than 1.6 e.c room temps have got slightly high at 31 being the highest.I don't know what my problem is hope somebody can help me out as if left I Think they will end up dying or losing a lots of flower weight I just don't get how one tray is ok and one is completely different even tho they have everything exactly the same please can someone give me some advice thanks

Bait head

Active Member
Ohh and I forgot to say that some of the leaves did claw about a week ago I flushed them for a few days and that sort of whent away and also I have noticed that the ones I am having problems with there are a few 3 leavers on top thanks

Bait head

Active Member
Roots are a light brown colour unknown they are suppose to be white is it possible for the nutrient color to change the color of the roots as the nutes I'm using is dark brown almost black.... Well checked again tonight and another plant has near on died here a few pics of the two dead ones :(


Bait head

Active Member
root rot? how do roots look? white? brown and slimy?
Hi here are some pics of the roots mainly where the roots drop from the tray to the resiviour oh please bare in mind that the nutrients I am running are a really dark brown what do you think guys

