Please help- Have i messed up?


i have some plants ive never grown before and this was sort of thrown upon me they are 7th week in flower, grown in soil,nearly all the hairs had gone brown n some startin to wither so i stopped nutes n switched to water on advice from who they came from but after readin some of the posts on ere n i went n got a microscope n heres my problem the trichomes are either clear or milky none have gone to amber! do i just continue giving water or could i start nutes again for another few days or so then switch back to water. cant get picture uploaded at present and no one to advise me please guys any advice?


Active Member
no nutes..water only. your probably seeing yellowing in your big fan leaves right now i assume and thats the withering your seeing. if so its natural for the plant as it reaches full maturity. in all they are ready right now depending on the high your after let them go a little longer for a good STONED high or pull now for a nice head trip high.


no nutes..water only. your probably seeing yellowing in your big fan leaves right now i assume and thats the withering your seeing. if so its natural for the plant as it reaches full maturity. in all they are ready right now depending on the high your after let them go a little longer for a good STONED high or pull now for a nice head trip high.
yes il deffo let go a little longer i just didnt know wether to start nutes again thank you u r a life saver