Please help having a few probs serious??


Active Member
whats up RIU asking for your guys help again...i have a few plants showing some problems i believe the problems is from high ph but im not sure at all...they are a month old and i just started using mexican bat guano 2 waterings ago im mixing a teaspoon and a half into a gal of water and letting it sit upto 48hrs shaking here and there...also they been fed with advanced nutes piranha and trantula once a week from start..please take a look at the pics and give me insight the first pic is the biggest and best looking plant showing no probs so far the others is what im taking about thanks guys for all your help!!058.jpg064.jpg045.jpg041.jpg066.jpg042.jpg076.jpg047.jpg


Active Member
from the start i been using 6.8 i changed it to 6.4 the last watering seem to improve a little bit also a lil darker green..i set the ph to 6.4 watered and tested the water that ran threw the soil and it was in the high 7's thats why i think it is high ph causing this but i figured i get your guys opinions before i do anything...


Active Member
You have a moisture/nute problem. A flush may only add to the problem. I would suggest re-potting with PH balanced medium, water lightly, and hold off on the nutes for a few days to a week and see how they respond. From there 1/4 to 1/2 strenght nutes until your back to normal and then be consistent with your feeding regiment. What nutes are you using?


Active Member
i think you started the nutes too early, id have only just started adding weak doses around the stage your at now. a re-pot would be a sensible thing to do i reckon


Active Member
thanks guys im using mexican bat guano i just started using it the last 2 waterings i water every 2 days soil usually seems pretty dry my humidity is 40-50% as for the advanced nutes i thought u could use from the begging becasuse it helps develop a nice root system it dont show npk ratio the bat guano is 10-2-1 im only usuing a teaspoon and half for a gal of water i thought that would be 1/4 or 1/2 or a good start maybe im wrong i dont really think that it is over nute cause they really havent been fed much unless its the advanced causing this i cant get my hands on foxfarm or good soil only what walmart carrys i cant find a shop that carrys anything like foxfarm maybe you guys would know some places?? i really thought that the plants wernt getting enough npk form high ph or something because they seem to yellow anywhere on the bottom and some leaves curl other die n turn cripsy it sucks not knowing for sure whats causing this:/ the soil read .05-.05-.05 and i didnt notice anything stating the ph or anything about ph i asked a lady at agway about getting a soil with a lower ph she said i would have to use lime


I had the same problem its overwatering and a bit to much nitro just cut back the watering with the guano and foiler feed just before lites on the pots should feel lite, half its wet waight before watering 3to4 days depending on room temps and air flo.


Active Member
i watered yesterday and 2days before that with reg water overwatering could deff be it i was folier feeding with a light mist everytime i watered but the first day they started showing theses signs i stopped that and havent done it since i checked on them today and they seem to be making a imporvement i have the fan set on a timer for an hr a day any other ideas??


Active Member
at the moment i just started using a fan and am kinda of lost on how long to run it for even on the lowest speed its kind of a high breeze so i figured i wouldnt stress them too much and run it for an hr im also on a 24hr lighting schedule