Please help! how far should i put net from plant for scrog? REPLYS REPLYS REPLYS!!


Well-Known Member
oright peeps guna cut the crap i got two cheese clones currently in veg. I want to scrog them but was wondering how far away i should place the net to get best results? i have seen guys put around 10inces away and seen around 2 inches away? the clones are currently onlt around 2 inces big under a 400 watt light and 4 inch carbon filter so hopefully aiming for around 10oz

HAPPY SMOKING:leaf::leaf::bigjoint::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
I find placement of the screen really does not matter as much as how long you veg to fill it. I would say 8 inches above the base of the plant would be a good height the most important thing is you veg till it is 50 - 75% (depending on strain) full then once you hit 12/12 and it stretches you fill the rest of it.


Well-Known Member
oright cheers mate, i place the nets around 8 inches away and wont stop veg until its 75% full, other thing im abit concerned about is i have read that cheese is a very smelly strain and i live in a shared house in a acctic apartment so im hopeing that with a 4 inch carbon filter and lots of odour controll air spray will keep it down whilst flowering/cutting down. whilst drying aswell i was thinking of hanging in growroom with filter on ? will this work?


Well-Known Member
what size of area?cupboard?cornor room?any pics if your all set up fine 4 inch fan filter should do 2 no probs


Well-Known Member
its a wardrobe by 4 foot across 2-1/2 foot deep 7 foot high, when home il upload some pics,
Looks like you have a good idea for the trellis. I'd say like 8-12 inches, depending on strains, and your planned finishing height.
I've never done Cheese, personally, but you might have to keep your inline and carbon running 24/7 towards the end. There's usually no problem keeping temps up, unless it's really cold where you live. Mine smell so badly that, (as ridiculous as it sounds), I actually pay for 3000W of heating, just to keep room temps high, and still be able to pull air out through my carbon filter. (Yes, during lights on!). Unfortunately, I found out about my own stink when I mowed my lawn. I was like fuck, I gotta fix that now!
Just remember, it's said that you need to keep your humidity low, for the carbon to activate in your filter. I think it's recommended at like 50%, or otherwise you could just be blowing out beautiful scents into your neighborhood...
If you are asking if you 4 inch filter/fan combo is enough, you kinda gotta figure that one out. Every fan has a "cfm" rating. Just figure out how many cubic feet you're trying to ventilate, and check and see if your fan and filter are enough. I personally overkill on my fans. I figure the move air that is moved faster, the less stink, and the less noise that will be made from fans running.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the replys guys. yee i had abit of trouble with my clones drying up so put a bowl of water in to increase humidty not sure how much humidity is in there all i no is my clones perked right up and loved it but il see how much is in there cause i dont want the filter to stop working lol i have the light,filter,fan,and air pump running 24/7 right now got told by a mate that its the best way when vegging. Probz not on the electicity bill tho :/ ........ the temps atm are perfect around 25c but in the summer it will get hot so ordered a cooltube on friday waiting for it in post. but ye about the smell was thinking of getting a lil 2 foot by 4 foot by 4 foot high tent and get anuver 4 inch filter in there and use it as a drying room? i read somewhere that tents hold the smell in abit better and then i could etleaset put clones in straight away and not worrie about having to wait for the bud to dry in the grow room ?


Well-Known Member
yee like i said im goin to see the humidity in there later on, must not be that bad as my plants went from a clawd up yellow mess to a bush of green delight in a day or two but ye need to chek it out tho bud,


Well-Known Member
yee got the humidty is from 35% to %45-%50 max the clones are now rooted throw the net pots and set up net 9 inches away ec is 1.4 and ph is 5.7. just upgraded to cool tube so no more high temps of 90oc around 70-80 oc so looking good so far. my mate said to bend the plant before it hits the net to get it ready for it by tieing it down should i do this or just bend under the net later on?

Richie Bud

Active Member
oright cheers mate, i place the nets around 8 inches away and wont stop veg until its 75% full, other thing im abit concerned about is i have read that cheese is a very smelly strain and i live in a shared house in a acctic apartment so im hopeing that with a 4 inch carbon filter and lots of odour controll air spray will keep it down whilst flowering/cutting down. whilst drying aswell i was thinking of hanging in growroom with filter on ? will this work?
your filter should do the job for you. You could get some odour eliminator gel from any grow shop It does a good job too