Please help I can't figure it out!!!!


Ok I have an unknown bag seed that I've been vegging for about 4 weeks now ( seems to be 100% indica) and it started out amazing but now seems to have some problems. Leaves are droopy, some curling and twisting, and some clawing. I've heard maybe overwatered, or underfed. I'm in a 3x3x5 grow tent. I've gave it light doses of fox farms big bloom every once in a while but nothing crazy. My temps at night could be low because I run an air conditioner throughout the night. It has started to show some preflowers and in my opinion it looks like a female preflower so help me with this one please!!! Before it's too late!



If it's lacking nitrogen can I add straight organic blood meal? I don't think I can get cal mag and def can't get bat guano around here.


Active Member
If it's lacking nitrogen can I add straight organic blood meal? I don't think I can get cal mag and def can't get bat guano around here.
Yeah Blood Meal will work, for sure. Do you have a local feed store near you? They normally carry grow products. Can you order online?


Yea I can order online. I have another question now lol. Ok I was planning on flipping to flower by now but was afraid to because he condition of my plant. Can I go ahead and do it so that it doesn't need much nitrogen for flowering stage? Or is that a bad idea? It's vegged for a month and 2 days so far.


Active Member
Yea I can order online. I have another question now lol. Ok I was planning on flipping to flower by now but was afraid to because he condition of my plant. Can I go ahead and do it so that it doesn't need much nitrogen for flowering stage? Or is that a bad idea? It's vegged for a month and 2 days so far.
Well, no. Your plant needs nitrogen for a strong green finish. Without a strong green finish, your plants will deplete faster, which means your going to loose potency in the long run.


Well, no. Your plant needs nitrogen for a strong green finish. Without a strong green finish, your plants will deplete faster, which means your going to loose potency in the long run.
Ok scratch that lol just thought Id ask. So I can just top dress with that blood meal and water immediately afterwards?


Hey guys here's an update 4 days after I topdressed it with some blood meal. Showing any good progress? Leaf color looks better to me but leaves are still skinny and curled in rather than fat and stubby like they started out.