Please help identify. (Pics)


Well-Known Member
I have some clones that were nicely rooted and put into larger rock wool cubes. They are the pics in the proper lighting ;-) They like my plants in flower which are the ones in wrong lighting are covered in white spots / light green spots all over. It does not seem to affect the plants as I have gone thru a cpl grows like this and I know what PM is and it is not that. Yes there were a few bugs that came with the plants but I like to think that is not the issue.
I did read it could be a carbon dioxide issue. I have them in separate rooms in a 14x22 shop. Which I visit at least twice a day so fresh air does enter.
They are in a flood and drain table, watered once a day. (Not the clones) using GH nutes and guide. Using tap water that has sat at least two weeks. PH is 6 and awaiting new ppm meter so I cannot share. Water has been changed a cpl times.

Lights on flower 1000w HPS. I did have to raise height a bit but leaves other than these spots did not show any other issues. At least 12-14” from the plant tops. Light is air cooled as well.
Clones are under T5 and LED strips from sun master. About 6-8” from top of plants.

Temps hover around 24 during day. And drop to about 20-22 at night I blv. Humidity I blv to be low.
Again sorry about the set of pics. Did not want to mess with turning off and was in middle of schedule.

Suggestions ?

Thanks Venge



Well-Known Member
Ugh you could not be any more correct.
My arrogance cause I could not physically see any mites and wanted to blv not mites assumed a nute deficiency.

Looks like I have a bit of work to do. And again watch where we get our girls from. Frig.

Thanks for the quick lesson, it is appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Ugh you could not be any more correct.
My arrogance cause I could not physically see any mites and wanted to blv not mites assumed a nute deficiency.

Looks like I have a bit of work to do. And again watch where we get our girls from. Frig.

Thanks for the quick lesson, it is appreciated.

Take a pic of the underside of the leaves. You can see them with the naked eye most of the time. The eggs will be a small clear bubble (hardest to see), then you'll have darker ones that don't move (larvae), and the adults which can be seen moving most of the time. Get on it quickly! Look for their webs usually down low at first..between the main stem and branches..they leave a little web as they cross over.


Well-Known Member
A mix of 50/50 water to alcohol (forgot which %) should kill them until you use other sprays. Avoid spraying flowers though.


Well-Known Member
Yes i am reading up as to what is best solution. I want to correct asap as well.
I do have a few friends (a few ladybugs) in the room but i would say they have a lot of work cut out for them.
So yes i will see what is best option and go from there.

Thanks as all input is appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Yes i am reading up as to what is best solution. I want to correct asap as well.
I do have a few friends (a few ladybugs) in the room but i would say they have a lot of work cut out for them.
So yes i will see what is best option and go from there.

Thanks as all input is appreciated.

I did that this summer as well..first time i noticed them..they were preceded by i was growing sunflowers on my balcony and those attracted a TON of ladybugs..i brought them all in and let them on the plants..i think they got stoned as they never move once they reach my ladies lol. Not to mention, i had a bout of ants this year as well..and ants are dangerous, as they will actually farm the spider mites and white flies! They protect them for their sweet excrement! if you notice some shiny spots (appears sticky) on the tops of your leaves, that's them shitting on your leaves! lol
I used a homemade habanero spray..through 1 round i didnt see any...after round 2, one big white spider fell from the plant lol...its been 3-4 weeks since 1st spray..nothing can be seen anymore. but i will do 1 more takes 1 to bring them all back! lol


Well-Known Member
I read about the habanero spray the other day. It may of been here. Yes a lot to digest at the moment.. I cannot complains as i receive these clones from a friend and i know he has issues qith bugs and does some stuff betwqeen grows but i will assume the bare minimum, but he does not few it as an issue!
And because I have not been seeing many ( like 3-5 but i think they were something diff but again still learning) again assumed a non issue.

I have had what i will say is decent yields for a newbie, are these bugs affecting the taste or quality of the bud or is it more stunting the growth and overall health of the plant.
Thanks again



Well-Known Member
I read about the habanero spray the other day. It may of been here. Yes a lot to digest at the moment.. I cannot complains as i receive these clones from a friend and i know he has issues qith bugs and does some stuff betwqeen grows but i will assume the bare minimum, but he does not few it as an issue!
And because I have not been seeing many ( like 3-5 but i think they were something diff but again still learning) again assumed a non issue.

I have had what i will say is decent yields for a newbie, are these bugs affecting the taste or quality of the bud or is it more stunting the growth and overall health of the plant.
Thanks again

What they will do is, if they multiply enough..they will destroy your crop completely!!! take a look...
If making edibles, they can be in your buds at the end. Otherwise, they will stunt the plant growth and buds may not be viable if covered in webs! They suck all the food from the leaves and slowly the plant dies..if you have enough of them..they can eliminate a grow witin a few short days!


Well-Known Member
I was growing dill this summer too as i heard it deters mites..i think it deters them by attracting them away lol..because my dill was dying from one day to the next..3 of them side by side..all healthy green, then half brown the next day..on day 3 i put it aside as i figured the heat got to it..when i looked closer..there were mites running up and down the stems of it! Dozens!..the weed plant that it was next to the whole time..has no evidence of any..i sprayed with my spray anyways. My sunflower and tomato plant had no issue at all..but the 2 marigolds growing between them had many spiders in it. Make sure once you finish this grow..clean everything in the room very very well!!! Walls, floor, containers, bleached twice! lol They are a nuissance once they settle in..and with a perpetual grow, they may never disappear..especially if you have the '2-spotted' one!


Well-Known Member
Well i have been fortunate then as i have gone thru 2 other grows like this but they were in the fall so i was able to put ample ladybugs which i will assume helped reduce or possibly eliminate them somewhat.
My yields are on par with most are getting so i definitely don't want things to become bad but will need to clean up asap. And temps are to cold outside so no access to the ladybugs either this year.
And yes plan is to have a perpetual grow but I need to re think getting my clones but they are nice girls and and and plentiful and always available and maybe i am lazy......




Well-Known Member
Mine as well weren't really affected..i mean they were around since early summer and i only really noticed at the end of that point i thought it was just white flies..then i saw one web on one plant and i started looking under the leaves, and i saw all the eggs and such..mainly on one plant..they didnt touch the other 4 next to it. The one it was auto..produced only 10 grams in the end! Same strain a foot away that wasnt affected, was an oz and a half. So my 2 grows since then..instead of tackling them..i started adding silica to my waterings again, and maybe that helped, as i still saw a couple around, but no webs, and very little leaf damage down low..., but with this grow, i didnt want to risk any issue so i sprayed with the pepper spray. I don't see anything since. Been growing a few years and never had any bugs at little hole in my patio screen this summer may have done it lol.


Well-Known Member
Well now that i know what i am dealing with is only half the problem. My goal is to take my own cuttings and not have any outside factors or do my very best to minimize.
I now see why many growers get pissed when getting clones from another that are buggy. Worse part is my bud does not see it as serious as i do.

anyways i will take this as a positive as i learned something new. Was gonna happen sooner than later so now time to clean up.

But i don't have any clones of the girls in flower and getting them from him means more bugs, ;-/
Hell i will have to be careful just going over there. hmmm



Well-Known Member
Well now that i know what i am dealing with is only half the problem. My goal is to take my own cuttings and not have any outside factors or do my very best to minimize.
I now see why many growers get pissed when getting clones from another that are buggy. Worse part is my bud does not see it as serious as i do.

anyways i will take this as a positive as i learned something new. Was gonna happen sooner than later so now time to clean up.

But i don't have any clones of the girls in flower and getting them from him means more bugs, ;-/
Hell i will have to be careful just going over there. hmmm

When you do get clones from someone, quarantine them in a separate room or grow tent and apply your pest prevention on them for about a week (spray one day at double strength wait 2-3 days and repeat) then move them to where they will end up.


Well-Known Member
Well now that i know what i am dealing with is only half the problem. My goal is to take my own cuttings and not have any outside factors or do my very best to minimize.
I now see why many growers get pissed when getting clones from another that are buggy. Worse part is my bud does not see it as serious as i do.

anyways i will take this as a positive as i learned something new. Was gonna happen sooner than later so now time to clean up.

But i don't have any clones of the girls in flower and getting them from him means more bugs, ;-/
Hell i will have to be careful just going over there. hmmm

Some growers take it very seriously..they won't let anyone from outside go near the plants lol. They can travel on becareful if going there and then going near your plants with same clothing!


Well-Known Member
Very familiar with how disease can spread. Younger days worked in both a mushroom farm, potato farm as well as a pig farm. The pig farm we had to go thru a shower rinse if entering another barn.
Very serious all around. The Hydro trucks by law have to go and do a thorough wash after leaving a farmers field as they cannot drive across the road into the next one. It affects everything..... Just need to be a bit more mindful.
