Please help - i'm clueless - can someone tell me if my plants are ready


Active Member
2011-09-12_18-48-44_922.jpg2011-09-13_18-23-50_358.jpg2011-09-12_18-48-35_391.jpg2011-09-13_18-23-26_792.jpg2011-09-13_18-24-31_885.jpg2011-09-12_18-49-03_544.jpg2011-09-13_18-23-35_819.jpg2011-09-12_18-49-52_282.jpg2011-09-12_18-48-25_851.jpg2011-09-12_18-48-44_922.jpg2011-09-12_18-49-27_59.jpgHey Guy,

This is my first time growning anything ever and I just found this website. Been looking at YouTube for advice. Anyways, I have (2) plants. Taller one is Berry Juana and shorter one is Purple Cheese. Starting to see all kinds of brown stuff on my PurPle Cheese Plant. I've had both plants since (4/30/11) as clones. Growning outdoors. Beening using Foxfarm "Big Bloom" the whole time. Just used Foxfarm "Tiger Bloom" for only the last 2 weeks and only applied it twice. I'm confussed because 1 person said it was ready and 1 person said it can go for 3 morre weeks. I've been flushing the plants for about 6 days now. The first set of pictures is the purple Cheese with the brown questionable stuff.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell from those pics, and your buds are so small they barely have any structure to them.

Take more pics if you want, closeups of the buds, but really you need magnification and should be looking at the trichs.


Active Member
your plant looks nice, let it go another week and see whats she looks like, post some more close up bud pics too.


Well-Known Member
im having a hard time telling, the bud structure is quite sparse but it kinbd of looks like the caylxes are swelled up and most of the fan l;eaves seemed to have died.


Well-Known Member
difficult to tell if "she's done" by pics alone. basically its about growth rate. i keep an eye on botanicals. they speed up to a rate of growth, then they slow.
if you watch it a few days and see swelling/growing - then it ain't done.
if you watch it a few days and see nothing much - then she's ready.
my skills are nothing compared to most on this site so i could be wrong.
:idea:looks like budworms man they eat the bud from the bottom up, break off a piece of that brown shit and i bet yull find a wormy. get some tweezers or a toothpick:hump:


Active Member
2011-09-21_18-16-36_278.jpg2011-09-21_21-40-49_245.jpg2011-09-21_18-14-25_779.jpgHey Guys - I just decided to cut the plant down since I don't want to run the risk of losing the whole pl2011-09-21_18-15-38_258.jpgant to Bud Rot or Bud Worms which seems to be drying out the plant. Anyways, I put the plant in a closet over night to see if it produces more 2011-09-21_18-15-52_737.jpgTHC (according to YouTube) I added a few more close up pictures of the bud so you can see if I cut it too early or not. Your thoughts please.2011-09-21_21-00-46_23.jpg


Well-Known Member
you did alright. stick around here and learn some more and your harvests will only get better. congrats on a fairly successful first grow and welcome to the site.


Active Member
Thanks Guy. Yeah, I will definitly be sticking around becuase there is alot of stuff I need to learn. Qucik question about the temp. I have the Purple Cheese buds hanging in a closet in my garage. I have the doors cracked for the air circulation. Now, I've read the following: Room should be 60 - 70 F and 60-65% humidity. Is there something I could buy that would tell me the humidity in my closet?


Well-Known Member
IMO i believe it would be best to get ur humidity lower than that to ensure no bud rot or mold. but they sell these things called hygrometer


Active Member
@ SweetestCheeba - Thanks for the info. Is this something that can be purchased at Home Depot? Also, if 60-65% is too high, what is the perfect#? Lastly, if the room is at 65% humidity, does that mean that I need a dehumidifier to bring that # down to the perfect #?


Well-Known Member
Sure DJ they go from 20 to 350 dollars at homedepot, and to be honest with u there deff are other ways to reduce the humidity but idk them. i can jus say keep the area air tight but not so tight that no air is being released b/c that can cause the humidity to rise.


Active Member
@ darkdestructioin420 - No, I didn't put a fan in the closet. I just keep the door cracked a little bit. I didn't add any fans because from read previous posts on this website - most comments said to NOT put any fan air of them during drying as this will dry them out too fast. I was told yesterday to just let them hang for 5-7 days - then place them in a big paper bag for 4 days.


Active Member
keep a close watch on em dont let em get too crispy 3 dayz for mine ,,,good first harvest ,im about at the same level as you cant wait till my next grow


Well-Known Member
you want indirect air flow. bounce it off the opposing wall or floor. You are risking mold pretty bad if you dont. I would not take that risk, especially with such a high humidity. I hope you get this message in time before the mold starts.


Active Member
@ darkdestruction420 - I got the message and I went ahead and added a fan. Got it running on low but still wit the closet door cracked open. 2011-09-23_22-00-58_555.jpg