please help is she turning hermie?


Well-Known Member
Do you see male flowers...pollen balls? They will bud for a while w female flowers if they are not pollinated

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
hey guys thanks for fast reply its called la frutta de venus _ greatwhiteshark cross

at top i see little green things like they maybe a few seeds starting shuold i take a couple more pics?


Active Member
looks fine mate shes just filling out...
you didn't metion how old she was??
And yeah pics of the areas your worried about would help loads..

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
i swear i seen some little green things in the cant find them know mainlly in the main cola
iv never seen a plant do this is it normal

guys i found one what should i do ?



Active Member
nope looks fine mate...

Can't see no bananas in any of those pics.. Could do with a close up of the areas causing you concern?..


Active Member
no probs fella, erm i'm really not sure looks very seed like...
But she could just be exploding with ne growth... Had you noticed and ladyboys in the garden?
You say you've seen no balls on her?
So i really dont see how she would produce seeds???

I wouldn't chop her unless you 100% sure she's a threat to the rest of your crop...

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
theres only one plant theres no balls or bananas

i will just leave it for a few days then chop

thanks for helping


Well-Known Member
Just keep a close eye on her she's almost done right? If she IS a hermi you will prolly be able to tell before she pollinates herself or other plants.