Please Help!! Is this a Fungus?


Active Member
I noticed this on my plants about 2 weeks ago on my outside grow. I thought it was sand from the storms we have been having. But now I noticed that it appears to be more of a growth. Can any one help with this?:confused:


how has the girl been looked after as stress can cause this and incorrect feeding, temp,conditions a good air flow ,strict feeding ,happy conditions is a must . is your girl in a greenhouse by any chance


Active Member
Thanks erbinwarrior, I was wondering about stress. Totally outside grow. The wind for the last 2 months has been hell. 40-70 MPH winds. 100 degrees one day 75 the next. Then the grasshoppers invaded me. Then it has rained about 4 total inches over this last week. So stress, I think is a big issue. Any ideas to help her?

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Hey man you gotta check out liquid copper fungicide, it works on just about any type of mold or fungus and you can get a pint of the concentrate for 7 bucks at lowes. It doesn't effect plant growth at all and you can make a lot of fungicide spray out of the concentrate, its something like 2 teaspoons per gallon of water dilution rate.