please help lets see who can get this right


Active Member
I'm wanting to do 8x4 rooms with 128 plants on 4 aqua mist systems each system holds 32 sites

I would like to know what kinda lights, ventilation, is needed and how much lighting is needed to pull this grow off


Well-Known Member
I'm wanting to do 8x4 rooms with 128 plants on 4 aqua mist systems each system holds 32 sites

I would like to know what kinda lights, ventilation, is needed and how much lighting is needed to pull this grow off
if YOU don't already know then you probably wouldn't pull that grow off. start smaller and work your way up, I say this assuming you're a newb ,because only a newb wouldn't know, or couldn't figure it out. and if you are a newb you may want to get proficient in growing a few plants before you go all balls to the walls dutch breeder style and get overwhelmed. Other then that the info you want is all over the internet go find it once you know what wattages cover what areas you'll see that this isn't a hard question. also aqua mist or any kind of aerioponics/hydroponics is more involved (you could lose an entire crop with one tiny mistake) and not as easy as growing in dirt so IF you are a newb keep that in mind too.
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Well-Known Member
im no expert but this is what i have to say...
first of all, im assuming that these are coming from seeds, and also that you are starting fresh. For the first month or two, you will want a bunch of CFLs. How many? Im not too sure. Maybe 8-12 per room. Keep them on a 24/7 schedule, then switch to an 18/6.

Once they get bigger, you will have to switch to HPS lights, and get them on a 12/12 cycle to engage the flowering period, after decent veg time with the CFLs. You will need 1 HPS per room, and multiple systems can be VERY expensive. Anywhere from 300w to 600w should do fine. You could even but solar blankets to reflect more light onto the plants. no matter what, NO TINFOIL.

Ventilation isnt too bad, as long as it works to ger rid of the odor. Get a good fan system for the plants. Also, you will need a PC fan to keep the HPS ballasts cool.

Depending on how much money you have, you might want to reconsider your room. I would stick with one room only, and focus on a good 10-30 plants. Anything more would require tons of attention, and even more money.

I hope that gives you some idea as to what you need, but im still a noob. I also grow outdoors and ive never grown hydro. However, i spend lots of time reading up on proper techniques and other threads. Wait for more advice before listening to me.


Well-Known Member
if YOU don't already know then you probably wouldn't pull that grow off. start smaller and work your way up, I say this assuming you're a newb ,because only a newb wouldn't know, or couldn't figure it out. and if you are a newb you may want to get proficient in growing a few plants before you go all balls to the walls dutch breeder style and get overwhelmed. Other then that the info you want is all over the internet go find it once you know what wattages cover what areas you'll see that this isn't a hard question. also aqua mist or any kind of aerioponics/hydroponics is more involved (you could lose an entire crop with one tiny mistake) and not as easy as growing in dirt so IF you are a newb keep that in mind too.
i sorta had this impression too. start slow. its an expensive hobby too, and it would be very disappointing to lose out on that investment on a noob mistake. start with dirt, for practice. and hang out on here, you will learn A LOT.


Well-Known Member
Frosty's right. Might want to try about ten plants in soil with a 400W first. You never know, you might have black thumb. If you get it right, a few crops can yeild a hefty profit to fund your weed baron cartel. Keep in mind, if you're going to grow that much, I don't care where you live, you will probably be the biggest grower in the region, which means people are gonna notice.


Active Member
its only 1 / 8x4 room thats not that big maybe harvest 5 to 7 pounds if that you make it seem so hard and nobody really answered my question thx does anybody think 2 / 1000W HPS will do the trick on these rooms?


Well-Known Member
its only 1 / 8x4 room thats not that big maybe harvest 5 to 7 pounds if that you make it seem so hard and nobody really answered my question thx does anybody think 2 / 1000W HPS will do the trick on these rooms?
It is hard if you have no clue what you are doing, and if your asking these types of question you apparently don't so trying to do that would probably result in a waste of time and money 5 to 7 lbs? you'll probably end up harvesting a bunch of limp stems if anything. like I said this is a retardedly simple question so if YOU have to ask YOU should reconsider what you want to do. but what the fuck do I know ive only been doing this about 15yrs .see that gallery^^^ up there click on it I know what im doing and im pretty sure you dont so waste your time if you want