PLEASE HELP ME! a few questions about fertilizer

ok well i am currently running short on soil due to my plants getting bigger, transplanting exc. I am using potting soil and was wondering if i could mix my soil with cow manure. I live on a farm so it would be readily accessible. I just wonted to know if this would be in my best interest? I am using liquid nutrients and if i do this would i still need to apply them or less of it? What ratio sould i mix the manure with the soil? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. ohh and also i live in ontario canada, about what time should my plants start to flower?
i wouldnt make soil if you dont know alot about it you can fry the roots. but if you do i would put a small amount. what time is it where you live?


Well-Known Member
if you do it dry it out and powder it first. you dont want all those bugs and other pests in around your plants and its roots. imo its a fair bit more hassle then its worth because even then you wont want to mix in so much that it would make your potting soil last you longer. it would be a soil additive, not substitute. the way i like to look at things is like this : yes i could save some money by trying this out to make this happen instead of spending more on the store bought item; or i could waste time, effort, money and possibly my plants if im wronge.

always try to ask yourself that and see if 20 bucks worth of soil is smarter then trying to make your own for free. in my case id would rather spend the cash.
its not a money issue, i was just reccomended this by a buddie and i thought it would benifit my plant growth and save me from buying soil.
they will start beging of sep i would think. you should try fox farms soil nuts i use them and i have a 10 lighter and i get 1 1/4 pound per light. it works great and if you got the money get they soil to its called happy frog