Please help me! Brown spots on leaves and starting to go into the buds


Well-Known Member
CA def going on here along with Nitrogen def, guys... I'd use some dolomitic lime and water mix, and add in some worm castings, or n-rich bat guano tea to correct these def's, as well as adjust the pH... I have the SAME problem on two out of eleven of mine in week 4-5 of flowering, and no response to my thread I started this morning... The yellowing is indicative of a N def... That brown spotting is indicative of a CA def... Even if it is only a N def, the d. lime will still help the pH to adjust to a more suitable level, and it won't hurt a thing... Some greensand never hurt either, and peat moss makes for a great pH buffer, as well...


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen defs are usually a yellowing/curling issue... The spotting is definately telling us that N is not the only culprit here... If it even is... I believe it is alot closer to the textbook CA def, which is easily solved using dolomitic lime...
NITROGEN DEFICIENCY!!! Buy the horticulture bible, great asset, buut im positive its a nuit deficiency